Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BTS: Achievement (Un)locked

Hello and good evening, dear readers!

Let me get straight to the point: what the hell exactly inspired me to write that short? 

Backstory: A month or so ago, AlphaElaineRivers decided that as a blogsary gift, she would order me a shirt from the Rooster Teeth store. I'm serious - and being a fan of Achievement Hunter as well, I decided to get an Achievement Hunter shirt, specifically, the blue "MOGAR IS COMING" shirt. She, on the other hand, went for Team Nice Dynamite, which I had initially wanted but decided to change for some reason.

Earlier tonight, she tweeted me this:

Hers is the one on the right, mine the one on the left.
The shirts had finally arrived! Since she had ordered them while at Singapore, the shirts are currently at Singapore with her mom. I'll be receiving mine on my blogsary, which is tippity freaking top. So one subject led to another, and I eventually brought this up: what if Daniel and Mathias actually tried on the shirts?

Lo and behold, this baby was born. I wrote it for the luls and for a shirtless Prat um.

So, there it is! RT shirts + a sabaw evening = crack shorts.

And as a bonus, I was able to manipulate...something. XD Enjoy the manips, and goodnight!

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