Saturday, February 28, 2015

Teaser: TGC '15

"What have you created throughout the past four years?"

"Numerous souls,
kingdoms to explore,
realms to cross,
and an entirely new universe."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Russ' Updates #026: Last QT Mini Hiatus

Hello, Darlings – Miles here. Sadly, Aria can’t be in charge of this week’s RussDate because she has a lot of shit to do. *shakes head* Let’s hope she’s still alive by the end of Quarterly Exams…

Speaking of Quarterly Exams, Aria’s tests begin this Friday, February 27. They’ll resume on March 2 (Monday) and end on March 4 (Thursday). As much as she wants to post a lot during this week, she’ll be focusing on her studies for the meantime. Additionally, she’ll be attending an Open House this Saturday, so it looks like her schedule’s going to be pretty goddamn booked, if you think of it.

What does that mean for Apotheosis?

Yup – you guessed it. Mini-hiatus.

"Thankfully, the last one due to QTs."

As much as possible, Aria wants to keep focused from this week until next Wednesday since she wants to make sure that she maintains her nice average on the report card. It’s about time she got her act together, really. She’ll be studying from this week until next week, and by the afternoon of the fourth; hopefully, she’ll be back up and running.

She’ll still try to post one or two more graphics for this month’s Featured Character. *nods* Aria really doesn’t want to leave Unda hanging.

So please do keep Aria in your thoughts as she and her batch mates (including Roth) face their final set of finals for their high school life. *smiles*

That’s all for today. No Posts to Expect section this week since her schedule’s filled to the brim.

Enjoy the rest of the week, Darlings – hopefully, we’ll get to see you next Monday.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Melting Hearts: A FC/UC Background Short

Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Feelings were the enemy.

Unda attempted to remind herself of this fact as she paced her throne room, running a hand through her long black hair in a slight worry. “You are a Goddess,” she hissed to herself, “You’re not allowed to have any of these strange feelings – not like Calor, who fraternizes every day with his ladies.”

Calor. She shuddered at the thought of her brother.

The last time she had been to Élan, she had witnessed her brother being served by many ladies with wild hair and burning eyes. And he paid attention to each and every one of them, his grin infectious and charisma upping the atmosphere. It was only when she had cleared her throat did he realize that she was there, and he calmly asked for his companions to return later. They left the room without complaint, their red-orange skirts swishing as they moved out.

“Do they enjoy that?” Calor had blinked, fixing his hair.

“Enjoy what?”

“Making your ladies swoon and adore you,” she retorted dryly, sitting on a nearby chair. Calor let the smirk return to his lips. “Before you know it, they’ll be kissing your feet and washing your hair as well.”

“I’m not that conceited, dear sister. And they’re the ones who choose to adore me.” He gave a non-committal shrug, “And if that’s what they please, then why should I stop them?”

“Heart and mind don’t go together, Calor.” She reminded him sharply.

“Keep telling yourself that, Unda.”

She couldn’t feel.

Not too much, at least.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Russ' Updates #025: Arts and Academic

Good evening, Darlings! How’s February treating you?

(I am so freaking sleepy this is really weird)  

Not much is going to be happening (academic-wise) this week since it’s the school’s Arts and Academic Days Week. I’ve got a few unfinished projects due this Friday, though, and knowing me…I might have to cram them. *laughs nervously* Oh well.

I know I haven’t been posting too much as of the start of the month, and I promise I’ll make up once my final finals are over. *nods* Writing-wise, I just want to focus on Unda for the meantime as she’s the month’s Featured/Upcoming Character, yes?

This week, I want to post a few more thingies for Unda – maybe two shorts if I can – and I’ll do my best to post an OTP prompt given to me by Rothie. Hint – it’s for the Transcendence verse eeey

And hey – I don’t have school on Thursday since ~Chinese New Year~, so I’ll do my best to post awesome thingies on Wednesday night!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short 
[ ] Russie Writes: A Request Prompt

"As usual, enjoy the rest of the week."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Loneliness: A FC/UC Graphic

"Do not let it get to you.
Do not let it surround you.
Do not let it be your only companion."

Seclusion: A FC/UC Background Short

Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Unda stood alone in the deepest recesses of her home, feeling the water swirl around her ankles. It had been a while since she was last there in that particular area – the last time she was, she was giving and giving and there was so much pain around her.

Now, she was there for a completely different reason. Unda exhaled, feeling the waters around her swirl turbulently; they had reacted to her current moods and she attempted to calm herself down. This only seemed to irritate them more. The waters gave a small roar and Unda’s eyes snapped open, she glaring down at her feet as if demanding them to stop.

And they did, with mild hesitation.

“I can’t believe it had to escalate to this point,” she muttered, extremely irritated. “All because of Ventus…”

Despite her exterior feelings, Unda was terrified.

They had found Ventus alone and unconscious, refusing to wake at all. With that, his world – Susurrus – had started to decay at the lack of life force being drawn from their Creator.

They tried everything. Unda herself had attempted to take control of his Quintessence and banish whatever impurity had poisoned him, but there was no effect. Amina tried forging the most healing of herbs and fed it to him, but he did not rouse. Finally, Calor summoned his flames and tried restoring his eldest brother’s older warmth.

Even with their efforts, Ventus did not stir. He remained there, his eyes closed and form rigid, unmoving. Amina nearly burst into tears at the predicament of her favorite sibling and the Twins didn’t know how to calm her down. Finally, they made Amina return to her home and promised to call for her if they had any news.

Unda and Calor, despite their being Twins, never got along with each other. There was the elemental difference and the personality barrier, both of which incredibly contrasting that they frequently got into scuffles and small-scale fights.

With Ventus’ calming voice and overseeing eyes, however, both of them knew that it was time to get themselves together.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Russ' Updates #024: First of Many Lasts

Hello, Darlings!

Midterm season is (finally) over – and hey, it was my last midterm season as a high school student… *blinks slowly* Jeez, things are really coming up quickly. I’ve only got… *counts* …forty more days until my graduation from high school.

…dear God, I’m not ready. DX

So with midterm season over, I’m really hoping that I can catch up with posting for this February’s Featured Character. *nods*I’m sincerely hoping that I’ll be able to write a short tomorrow since, hey – I’ve got early departure tomorrow and a lot of time to burn.

This week, I just want to focus on Unda, yes? I want to give the beloved Water Deity as much screen time as she deserves~

“Sure. Keep saying that, Crea.”

Shh Unda you’re just bitter because your upcoming Background Short involves your broken heart


This week pretty much involves cramming all the second unit lessons into a week and a half or so. *laughs* It’s going to be really, really hectic. Despite that, I still hope that I’ll be able to make time for writing and for the blog, even with all the academics in the way. And hey - only 18 days until finals...

oh god why

Here are this week’s expected posts!

Posts of the Week:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short 
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: An OTP Short

That’s all for today, lovelies! Enjoy the rest of the week. ^_^

Friday, February 6, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Russ' Updates #023: Making Up

Hello, readers. Crea – Russie – isn’t feeling her best today, unfortunately. Because of that, I’m here to take over this week’s RussDate.

What – you don’t know who I am? Does ‘Hotshot Japanese businessman’ ring a bell yet? No? Alright, fine. Kenichi Matsumoto here for the time being, here to update you on what to expect for the week.

The You Brought Color Celebration Week officially ended last night, February 1, 2015. Russie would like to extend her deepest thanks and appreciation to those who supported the event, read the shorts, etc. *nods*

This week is the start of Russie’s midterms. Her last set of midterms, for this school year, actually – and maybe the last one’s she’ll ever take as a high school student. Time flies by really quickly. She actually received her report card for the third quarter last Friday.

…let’s just say that she wants to make up for a certain few subjects. *chuckles* Anyway, she’ll be studying pretty damn hard in order to pull her grades up. Please do understand when her activity level goes down this February. Russie wants to make sure that she passes her subjects with flying colors. ‘No regrets’, as she says.

Also – you may have noticed the new Featured Character graphic on the side, yes?

Say hi, Unda.

As much as possible, she’ll do her best to post during the weekend as most of her midterms will be finished by then. Please do wish her – and the Seniors MMXV – the best.

Because hey – it’s 47 days until her graduation.

(47 days until another challenge. *grins*)

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short

Enjoy the week and have a happy February, readers. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ablaze: An OTP Fanmix

and i'll always choose to burn with you

[listen] [download]

YBC Challenge: The Last Day -- Black and White

They completed each other in many different ways.

Matt acted as the heart to her mind; there were times in which the black-haired woman remained too cold and logical when the moment called for her to be considerate. He made sure to somehow ‘melt’ her when she had to be melted, when the ice she used to build walls around herself got too thick. When she started to isolate herself from him and the rest of the world, he managed to take her out and remind her that she wasn’t made to handle things alone.

It went the same for A, who acted as the ice to cool him down when he got too into things. Matt’s irritability could skyrocket if too many things rubbed him the wrong way all at once and she knew that. So when he was about to spit profanities which burned like hellfire, A always made sure to use the right words to calm him down and mellow him out. It worked most of the time – but when his fire was getting harder to control, she had to put her foot down and go ice against flame.

There were times wherein the ice could bring frostbite and the fire could leave nasty burns. Both of them knew that – it couldn’t be perfect hundred percent of the time.

When that happened, either of them had to give.

It was usually Matt who regained his senses; the one whose emotions would flare up and then disappear as quickly as they came. Due to this, it was him who tried to defrost A when both of them had an argument or a fight.

Cold reason and a passionate heart were never thought of to work out. People usually thought that the cold could suffocate and the passion would burn too deep and burn out. But the two of them proved wrong, showing that it could be beneficial instead of painful; something that was worth negotiating over and trying for.

Fire and ice.

Light and dark.

Shades of Red: Mail Jeevas

"What have I seen? I've seen it all.
I've gone from rags to riches,

Guns to business,
Two sides of life condensed into one.'
[Happy 25th Birthday, Matt! <3]