Monday, September 28, 2015

Russ' Updates #052: Closing September

Good evening, Darlings! <3

September is ending pretty soon (and wow, that was a fast month), and I think you all know what that means, right? *looks at Ansel*

"It's time for me to go."
Don't make it sound so bad, Free. :< Anyway, yes - as September is closing and October's coming up pretty damn soon, we must unfortunately say goodbye to Ansel. He's had a good run this month, actually, and I enjoyed making posts for him~ I hope that the streak will continue once October's character arrives, right? :D

And speaking of October...

"Hello there."
Get ready for more Transcendence because for the month of October, Elena Jones will be making a special guest appearance! You can probably start expecting shorts and graphics from our favorite barista starting this Thursday, October 1. :> Hopefully I'll be able to get something up by the weekend, yeah? 

"I'm excited for what you've planned, Russie."

They're just ideas so far,'ll see ;D

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Puppy Mode: A FC/UC Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City

United States of America
September 2120

Elena peeked down from her tablet, looking at the male who had his arms wrapped around her. She shifted a little on the bed. This only made him bury his face into her side more. “…tiring day, Free?”

Ansel, who could only nuzzle his face into her side, gave an incoherent answer. Merely nodding, Elena managed to pat his head and look back at her unfinished drawing. He mumbled quietly, “Are you still drawing?”

“Mhm. It’s for my magazine portfolio.”

“Just stay in that position,” he asked. His voice was soft and tired and many shades of sleepy. Smirking a little bit (and amused at his current demeanor), Elena followed and stayed exactly like that: a pillow propped under her legs and against her back while Ansel cuddled into her side like the puppy he was.

When they entered into the relationship, one of Ansel’s first warnings was that he was a very affectionate person. Elena merely laughed it off and told him to be as affectionate as he needed to be, not expecting that he was indeed serious about it. A couple of nights later, she ended up wide-eyed and pink-faced as Ansel curled around her, burying his head into her shoulder and hugging her arm while she read something on her phone.

Shit, she thought. This is what he means?

Clothing Style: Ansel Free

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Art of Closure: A Coalesce Short

Jin-Kyong’s Apartment
Shibuya, JPN
November 2016

“Jin-Kyong. Jin-Kyong.” 

A rapt knock on the door. 

“Jin-Kyong. You have to let me inside or I’ll use your spare key.” 

No reply. 


Park Eun-Seok exhaled at the lack of response; he knelt and took a silver key from under the flowerpot that was placed near the door. “You leave me with no choice,” he muttered, standing back up and using the key to open the door.

He expected to see Jin-Kyong there, messy-haired and glaring, but to his surprise there was no one there. Lifting an eyebrow, Eun-Seok entered the lady’s apartment and shut the door behind, locking it afterward. The male waited quietly for a minute inside, taking in the sight of her apartment and what had changed since the last time he was there.

Jin-Kyong’s apartment was still the same. The walls were untouched, the living room seemed neat, and the plants were still there. To his dismay, there was a pile of letters on the table near the front door. He picked one of them up and felt a slight wrench in his stomach as he read the Hangul on the front.

“No wonder she hasn’t picked up,” he muttered to himself, putting it back and removing his coat. Eun-Seok hung it on the door and removed his shoes, leaving it on the space where different pairs of shoes remained. Taking a deep breath, he let himself walk deeper into her home, determined not to let the somberness of the area get to him.

The last time I was somewhere this melancholy, he ended up thinking, it was her funeral. The only difference is that her funeral smelled of water and lotuses. Jin-Kyong’s apartment doesn’t have a smell. It seems…unused.

He turned right and walked until he saw a familiar, pale door. Lifting his fist, Eun-Seok knocked just as he did on her front door. “Jin-Kyong?”

Monday, September 21, 2015

Russ' Updates #051: Making Up

Hi, everyone!

Holy hell. It's only Monday and I'm already tired. Seriously. I might consider sleeping in tomorrow (which is totally okay) only class was cancelled, so it gives me more time to rest up and hopefully post~ 

I'm really sorry for not being able to post a lot last week - I promised that I'd make up during the weekend, but a lot I found myself only able to post Free's Palettes. D:

"Please do rest up, Russie."

I owe you a short, Free.

"That you do. But, *shrugs* you have until the end of the month." 

I know - actually, while I already have three graphics and two shorts for Ansel (as of this post), I'm thinking of making it four shorts. I'm mostly doing this because while college is time (and energy) draining, I don't really want to leave you guys hanging. So let's see how that goes, yeah? 

"*smiles* Good luck. You'll need it."

Wow thanks for the support huhu

Speaking of college - I'm still okay! Russie's still alive. While some parts really do need to be adjusted to...I think I'll make it. :) To anyone else currently in college, let's work through this together! I'm definitely sure we'll manage to beat it. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short

"Enjoy the week, everyone."

Monday, September 14, 2015

Russ' Updates #050: Adjustments

Hello, Darlings~ Russ is back!

"And so am I. *waves*"

I hope you guys didn't mind Ansel popping up last week! I thought that since he's this month's Featured Character, it would be more fitting for him to 'host' last week's RussDate. ;D Who knows, maybe he'll do the rest of the RussDates for this month~

"Uh - let's not, Russie. *nervous laughter*"
I was able to get everything on my To Post list posted, so thank everything for that! However, I personally found it hard to post during the weekdays...if you guys noticed, all my other posts for the week (aside from RussDate #049) were posted from Friday to Sunday. As much as I wanted to post during the weekdays, I couldn't ;_;

With that in mind, it's probably a good idea to start expecting posts to swing by from Friday to Sunday. *nods* I still have the intention of posting RussDates every Monday, don't worry! However, since college is really starting to kick in and kick me, I think it's best if I keep the postings focused during the weekends.

"Sadly, this was an inevitable choice. College is more...challenging than high school."

But aside from that, I'll try to up the number of posts during the weekend! As much as possible, I want to post at least one short and one graphic per week. I know that it isn't really a lot compared to how much I posted during the hella long summer, but... *shrugs* We'll manage, yeah?

"Just remember to focus on your acads, Russie."

Aye, Ansel~ here are this week's expected posts!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

"Enjoy the week, everyone."

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Work Hours: A FC/UC Short

New York City
United States of America
September 2120

“You doing alright, Free?” Elena asked.

Ansel nodded as he typed furiously on his laptop, the barista watching as he multitasked left and right. On one hand, he was chatting with someone on Facebook (most likely the Senior Editor). On another hand, he was busy working on post-processing a batch of pictures he had taken of Gong Jae-Hwang. There was an external drive plugged into the device and he was muttering things under his breath, words coming out short and quick.

Beyond the appearance of someone working extremely hard during his break, however, Elena could see the exhaustion in his eyes and in his stiff from. The brunette lady frowned slightly, taking the mug he had brought and going back to her station. Luke glanced up from the cash register and saw said mug. “Refill?”

“He needs it.” Elena watched as Luke took the mug, swiftly going to one of the machines and refilling it until froth gently graced the top. “How many?”

“If I’m right, it’s been his third since he got here.” Luke looked curiously at the lone man, “Doesn’t he come here to take a break?”

“He comes here to take a break and keep working,” she sighed. Luke patted her shoulder and handed the mug, she thanking him and leaving the counter once more. She tapped Ansel’s shoulder gently and he paused to look at her, one of the earphones now dangling over his shoulder. “Refill.”

“Right – thanks, Lena, I didn’t know I needed it…” Ansel took the mug and a slow sip, fingers trembling slightly as they held on. “I’m practically making out of the shop at this point,” he complained, and Elena snorted. She pressed a kiss onto his forehead and the male smiled a little at the affectionate action.

“Don’t worry about it. We don’t mind just as long as you keep buying,” she teased. Ansel stuck his tongue out at her and she swatted his shoulder gently, the male soon resting the mug a good distance away from his gadgets. “You hungry?”

“A little bit,” he admitted. Ansel scrambled for the empty plate and used fork, grimacing. “…fuck. How long have I been in here?”

Perspectives: A FC/UC Short

Rochester, New York
United States of America
September 2111
Free, Ansel Altair

“Are you sure you really want to push through with that?” Marissa eyed Ansel’s college application wearily. “It’s…a difficult thing to get into. Even though you have your portfolio ready and all your credentials.” 

“I can’t believe you’re doubting me, Mar.” Ansel threw her a scathing look. “When you were the first one I told about this. So when I’m about to send my fucking application, that’s when you decide to tell me that it isn’t the best idea–”

“It’s not that!” Marissa defended. She exhaled, “It’s just…it’s not exactly the most practical of career paths to pursue.” Ansel’s look turned harsher and Marissa rolled her eyes, looking away and trying to avoid her own application. “I’m sorry, okay? It just suddenly came to mind how people in your career path manage to live. You said it yourself, Ansel. The life in direction and production isn’t the simplest shit ever. I just don’t want you to end up blaming yourself once you get to the Big Apple and find yourself totally lost.” 

“I won’t get lost,” he refuted stubbornly. Ansel huffed. “I wasn’t president of the Film Club for nothing, Marissa.” 

“I know.” The sounds of the noisy cafeteria filled in the gap of silence. Marissa looked back at her application and picked up her pen, Ansel leaning against the blue chair and folding his arms over his chest. Neither of them spoke to one another until Ansel stood up, picking up his tray as well as the brown manila envelope containing his requirements. “Going?”

“Yeah. I’ll be at the library.” He swung his bag over his shoulder, “See you next class?” Marissa nodded and looked back down, Ansel trying not to exhale loudly as he made his way through the crowded room. After returning the tray, he swiftly spun on a heel and made it a point to leave the room as quickly as he could. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Russ' Updates #049: Post-Celebration

Hello, everyone - it's Ansel. Russie asked me to take charge for this week's RussDate since she's feeling really, really tired. Please hope she manages to survive...somehow.

Anyway, the Genesis Celebration has officially ended and Russie (as well as Squad A) would like to thank everyone who stuck with them throughout the month of August. It really does mean a lot to her, and three years is a big thing. So once again, on behalf of Russie and Squad A, thank you for making the Genesis Celebration a success. *bows*

"Makes me excited for what she has in store this Christmas."
Anyway, for this week, expect around two shorts and another graphic focusing on this month's Featured Character. *grins* I think you all know who that is. Additionally, you may or may not spot some posts not included in Russie's to-do list, but nevertheless, please enjoy them anyway, yes?

Wish all the best for Russie as she tackles this week - I think she's already feeling pretty tired from all the activities she's been doing lately. She'll be back by next Monday for the usual RussDate.

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

"Have a good week, everyone."

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Passing Judgment: An AU Short

Alternate Universe
Iudico Building
AR: Adam Unum

“You want me to what, exactly?”

“Take her in.” Amara chimed. She played with one of the suspenders she was wearing and flashed a smile at Adam, who was looking at her in disbelief. “See, this one is a special case. And I think she’ll be of great use and assistance to you, Adam.”

He wearily glanced towards a far-off stall where this ‘assistance’ was sitting. He couldn’t make out her appearance exactly, only spotting a head full of long hair. “She looks quite peculiar. Where did you get her?”

“That’s the thing I’ll explain to you later.” She flashed a toothless smile. “For now, give her a test run and report to me later. I already showed her around.”

Adam had no choice but to agree. Winking at him, Amara called the girl – Illa – and Illa approached them, glancing around the bar’s set up with mild curiosity in her eyes.

From Illa’s point of view, the bar was very much hued in red. It was modern yet held a touch of sophistication at the same time; she noted that most of the drinks he had concocted were of varying shades of the color. (She spotted him making the lady named Amara a pink drink, however.)

“Adam, this is Illa. Illa, this is Adam.” Amara turned to Illa and patted her shoulder; “You’ll be working with him here at the Alphnum. I explained what you should do, right? Do you have any questions?”