Monday, January 11, 2016

Russ' Updates #066: In Progress

Hello, Darlings!

I apologize for not posting a RussDate last week; I completely forgot that it was Monday and that there was even a RussDate to post in the first place. D: Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well! How are you finding the Launch (and the characters) so far?

"I know I've enjoyed my stay, Russ."
We've got three characters down and have six to go - I hope you guys can keep up and are looking forward to the rest of them. I've got a few things planned for the Launch when I'm done introducing them. Stick around to see what I've got under my sleeve, yeah? ;D

I've got a lot for me this week despite it being my last week of freedom (#nope). Tomorrow's my eighteenth birthday, and for this Saturday, I'll be celebrating with my friends. Don't worry, though - I'll do my best to make sure that everything sticks to schedule. You can expect a new character banner in a couple of hours!

"It feels so good to be back."
That's all for this week's RussDate! I'm not going to post the Posts to Expect list to keep the character order a surprise, hehe. I hope you guys keep sticking around. <3 Enjoy the week! 

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