Monday, January 25, 2016

Russ' Updates #068: Ending January

Hi Darlings! 

This week's update is going to be short, seeing as we merely have two characters to go as well as the final culmination day before the Launch (and January) ends. :) Mack's going to be staying from today until Wednesday, while the final character will take the Thursday to Saturday slot. 

"The Launch went by pretty quickly, Russ."
Nothing much is happening this week too, come to think of it! Though probably as a heads up, I've got no classes on February 1 and 2 (next Monday and Tuesday), and I really want to get things rolling and introduce to you guys the OC I've chosen for February's Featured Character~

"They can't wait to appear again."
That's all for this week! Please do enjoy the rest of the month <3 

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