Monday, January 18, 2016

Russ' Updates #067: Second Semester

Hello, Darlings!

The second semester has officially started for me, and to be honest, it was really, really tiring today (even though we just had orientations and such). Hopefully I'll be able to catch up and get used to the flow of working again, especially with the goals I set for myself this semester. :D 

Apologies for not posting last Saturday! :( I was busy the entire day because of my debut, so the posting schedule sort of shifted. Due to the shift, the culmination day will take place on the 31st of January, so please do look forward to that. I've got two or three final thingies planned, and I very much hope that I can get those three posted.

"That was a nice three days..."
For this week, expect two new characters to show up! We've had quite the shippy feels lately (#MaEther), and there might be even more of those feelings coming this way. :> 

"It's a more...unconventional relationship."
That's all for this week, lovelies! We've got 13 days left until this Launch ends, and I'm extremely excited for the days left. ^_^ Have a good week! 

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