Sunday, January 31, 2016

Culmination: CLS Launch '16

Good evening, Darlings!

Well, here we are. January's come to a close, and with that, the Coalesce Launch is coming to its end as well. :) I really all of you have enjoyed what I've presented this month, and got to know a bit more (at least) about the story and the characters!

"We'll be here for a long time."
Anyway, this post will pretty much be me explaining Coalesce more. I'll be talking about the Launch, the story plot, and perhaps the characters themselves. Additionally, I'll be talking about what I have planned out for this project blog-wise. :D

If you're interested, click the read more link down there!

So, let's talk about the Launch.

You guys may have noticed that each of the nine main characters have a specific color assigned to them. You can look back at previous posts (the graphics in particular) for reference, but here's a quick picture of the color schemes that I mostly used for each character's heading:

Now, you may be wondering why I didn't present them in rainbow order. Starting with Tadashi and ending with Lysette seems really weird, considering that yellow and green are definitely not the first and last colors of the rainbow.

To be honest, my original plan actually was to present the characters in rainbow order, with Kyong going first and Mack coming last. However, as the event drew closer, I decided to scrap that idea and go with something different. See, instead of going with rainbow order as I would usually do, I decided to change it up and showcase them according to their 'relevance' in the Coalesce timeline.

The nine different shorts I wrote for the Launch span from 2010 to 2017.

Again comes the question: why, Russie? 

From the get-go, I didn't want to jump into the main story immediately. So I took a look at my nine main characters and another idea came: that each character would have their own individual arc. These arcs would span from 2010 to 2017, again starting with Tadashi and ending with Lysette.

In totality, those nine shorts were previews of the situation to be tackled and explored during their individual arcs.

"She's delaying the main story, pretty much."
Now before you guys come charging at me with pitchforks, I just want to say that I actually adore this idea - making each of them have individual arcs - to bits. What I don't want to end up happening is a lack connection between creator/reader and character, as well as risking undeveloped characters.

It's something I decided for myself, the project, and for you guys, too - so I hope you stick by! I can at least promise that those nine arcs will be worth it, because...let's just say that there's pretty much going to be a lot going on, yeah?

We've discussed the pre-story arcs, what about the main plot itself?

To be honest, I don't have a definite, word-per-word blurb in mind yet. There are still a couple of things I need to settle and things to research on before I can fully establish a hella concrete plot. However, I am most definitely sure that each of the nine main characters will be involved in one way or another, and that there's a big investigation.

"Big things are going to happen."
I can't think of any other things to explain, so here's a quick list of things you can expect from the arcs and the main plot! (Yes, these count as spoilers.)

  • Everyone's backstories will be explored in their own arc. 
  • Tadashi's old team and why he goes as Tadashi Sato and not his real name.
  • The eventual fate of Mack and Jian's (#otp: better when you're brave) ship. 
  • Whether certain deaths (e.g., Jin-ho's father and Soo-yeon) were accidental or not.
  • More about Headquarters and the Kang Corporation! 
  • And get to know even more side characters. <3 

Do I seem unprepared? A little bit. Am I nervous? Definitely. Nevertheless, I'm excited to keep sharing this new child of mine with all of you!

For the nth time, thank you all so much for sticking with me the entire January and keeping up with the Launch! I really hope I don't disappoint, and that you guys will enjoy the rest of this project's journey. ^_^

Expect a layout change tomorrow (might not be exactly at 12MN, PHL time), and for a certain someone to come back as a Featured Character! 

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