Monday, February 1, 2016

Russ' Updates #069: Greeting February

I should really stop mentioning the months in the title...

Anyway - good evening, Darlings! I hope you're all doing well this fine first of February (holy shit, slight alliteration. I'm just gonna be proud of myself for a moment). The Coalesce Launch has just ended yesterday, but don't fret - we've got a familiar face on the banner!

"Miss me?"
Kyong's going to be the face of the blog until March as well as this month's featured character! Expect quite a number of posts reserved for Kyong until February 29. :D Also, speaking of: there are a few changes I've chosen to implement (and will hopefully stick to). 
  1. I'm going to change the banner every three months except for August, wherein I'll be celebrating my fourth blog anniversary. 
  2. FC/UC will no longer be going by as such and will be called (and tagged as) Russie Features (RF) starting this month. 
  3. In order to balance my studies and such, I'll be posting more from Friday to Sunday, with Mondays specially reserved for RussDates. 
Those are all the changes for now! I think those two are the really important ones as of now. Any other changes will be told to you guys through the RussDates or in a separate post if I feel the need to address them separately.

That's all for this time, see you this weekend! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russ Writes: A RF Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RF Graphic

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