Thursday, February 25, 2016

Russie Reviews: A Thousand Pieces of You [Claudia Grey]

Marguerite Caine's mission is simple. 

Join Theo Beck. Use her mother's invention, the Firebird, to jump into another dimension. Hunt down Paul Markov and kill him for killing her father. Return to her family and grieve. 

But it isn't that easy. Not at all. 

Throughout jumping into different dimensions and meeting different versions of Paul, Marguerite finds herself doubting whether he had really killed her father in the first place, as well as questioning her own feelings for him.

Good evening, Darlings! Tonight, I'll be reviewing Claudia Gray's A Thousand Pieces of You (ATPOY). Feel free to continue reading if you're interested! However, if you haven't read the book yet, be wary of potential spoilers. As always, however, I shall try to lessen them as much as I can.


Okay, can we just get to how freaking beautiful the cover of the book is? I know that we're not supposed to judge the book based on the over and all, but seriously, guys. That is one ridiculously attractive cover. I've already seen the book covers for the second and third books, and...holy shit. 

Anyway, story time: I've been meaning to get this book since last year, especially after Rothie recommended it to me. For some reason, I've always put off buying it until I received it from a friend as a birthday gift last month. :D I started reading it on the 23rd and finished it yesterday. 

And. Holy hell. What a journey. 

Admittedly, it's been a really long time since I've been emotionally invested in a book. At first, I thought that the Firebird series would be the same as the previous ones I've read: I'd be sad for a few hours, and then I'd move onto another book and pretend I didn't just get my heart ripped out of my chest. But dear God, it feels like my heart's been ripped from my chest, stepped on, and punched. And then returned to my chest because hey, I need a heart to live. 

The whole thing is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. You don't get a slow start with a slow build, hell no. You're thrown immediately into the action, and then the rest happens. Before you know it, you're emotionally invested and you keep reading and reading until you finish the book and blame yourself for finishing too quickly. 

The characters are insanely beautiful. You've got Marguerite Caine, Theo Beck, and Paul Markov, who each get their own dose of development and action. However, I think that Marguerite really did shine. Despite it being just the first book, she's got herself set straight. And in addition, I'm really thankful that she dedicated herself to just one guy even if it broke my heart to have the other guy rejected

You've got Paul, who remained an enigma for a good part of the book and slowly shed his mystery off as we got to know more and more about him. I'll admit that I felt bad for pinning the blame on him (as Marguerite did) without knowing the full story. 

And then you've got Theo. My poor baby Theo Beck. You guys have no idea how much I love Theo Beck. Theo Beck, who flirts with everyone. Theo Beck, arrogant Theo Beck with his hair, smirk, stubble, and collarbone kisses. Theo Beck who's pretty much hundred percent genius problem child who needs to set his shit together. 

Hi @ClaudiaGrey, can we just...please don't hurt my baby also son, also husband

I also want to mention that I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't ship Paul and Marguerite. And yes, friends, I feel the same way for Lieutenant!Paul/Marguerite. Please don't kill me. 

But basically, I loved it. I loved every single freaking part of it, and I really want to get my hands on the next book because holy shit the cover is gorgeous and almost everyone is telling me it's going to hurt me way more. (Especially Gela, who took pictures of me reading and laughed at my pain.) Claudia Gray's writing style is flawless and I really wish that I had talent like hers. 

Shout out to Rothie (Carmine Cascade) Kloe (kloetxx [Instagram]), Gela (Moruphine), and Jenny (Book Allure) for convincing/forcing/insipiring me to finally read ATPOY!

That's all for today! See you this weekend <3 

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