Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Philia: A Coalece Short

Sole Mio
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
February 2016

“I can’t believe the waitress thought we were on a date.”

“Given today’s date, I can’t blame her.” Peters replied. This made Aether glance at the others eating around them; surrounding the two were mostly couples laughing quietly and eating to themselves. “We might have picked the wrong date to go out.”

“Just to be clear, though, this isn’t a date.”

“Definitely not.” His blue eyes met her green ones, “That would be really fucking weird, A. The world would crumble to pieces before we could end up seriously dating each other.” She went back to looking at the other people around them; while she did, the waitress who had tended to them earlier came with their food. “You alright?”

“How can you not be bitter about today, Pete?” Aether gave her pasta a little stab, making him jump in his seat. “I mean…it’s Valentine’s.”

He took the time to fork a piece of beef into his mouth before responding, “I don’t focus on the fact that I have no Valentine. I don’t know, A. Maybe I like the fact that it’s a weekend and that I can actually rest.” He eyed her as he ate and noticed how she looked a little more downcast than usual. Peters continued on, “Valentine’s is just a commercialized and maybe capitalist holiday.” She gave a small snort, “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I bet you,” he dropped his voice, “Half of these couples won’t make it until May.”

That earned a mildly horrified look from her. “You’re horrible.”

Despite her words, it was able to make a small smile come to her face. Aether twirled some pasta around her fork and ate, Peters attempting at topics away from Valentine’s day so that the woman wouldn’t end up feeling even worse about the day’s holiday.

“Did you have anything planned for today?”

“Hell no. I was just planning to catch up on reading and spend the day in bed,” she sighed. “Until you called, at least. I was surprised when you did.”

“You’re not the only one who wants to be lonely on Commercialized Hearts’ Day, A. Turns out that Tad and Mack are busy too.”

“Huh. That’s weird, but alright.” She took a sip from her drink, “…if you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you have plans for tonight? You’re not exactly the kind of guy who doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity. Or date.”

Peters shrugged. “Just wanted some time off. Also, relationships are a bit of a hassle. So it’s slightly better that I’ve got the apartment to myself rather than end up sharing it for a good portion of the night.” He looked at her, “I don’t think you have the same sentiments.”

She tried to look neutral about it, but the bothered look in her gaze was still there. Peters sighed, “Okay. Spill it. You’re upset, aren’t you?”

Instead of firing back a snarky retort, Aether just looked away and twirled her pasta without focusing on it. “I might be.”

“Don’t ‘might’ bullshit me. It’s either you’re upset, or you aren’t. And judging on how you’re acting and feeling, you’re upset about it.”

“…how can I not be, Pete? It’s been almost two months. After spending a good amount of time in a relationship and suddenly being alone on the most couple-y day of the year, you can’t blame me.” He had to admit that she was right. “I suppose I was expecting something. I don’t know.”

“A surprise.”

“Maybe. Or maybe even him back at the front door.” Aether exhaled, “I don’t want to think of it at this point. But I’ll live.”

“You sure?” She managed a nod.

“I’m sure.” They went back to eating, the conversation lulling ever so slightly.

Peters had planned on taking Aether out that weekend. He had overheard her and Tadashi’s conversation the Friday before; he casually asked if she had plans. Aether, who had been writing an investigation report at that time, merely shrugged and said that she was planning to rest.

Judging by Tadashi’s expression, Peters could tell that there as something off with her. After telling Mack all of this, the curly-haired man removed his laboratory goggles and gave a short hum. He then proceeded to suggest different activities to Peters, and finally the dinner idea stuck out as nothing too fancy or too trying-hard.

“Just keep Aether some company,” Mack advised while Peters searched for restaurants on his laptop, “that’s all she needs right now. And I’m sure she’ll appreciate yours, even though you two have been like cats and dogs ever since the beginning of time.”

“You talk like you know her that much,” Peters groaned. Mack merely lifted a brow in response, but said nothing.

In the present, Peters discretely handed back the bill as well as payment for the entire dinner, doing his best to keep it from the dark-haired lady who looked more upset as the night went on. When he received the change, he barely looked at it as he stuffed the money as well as the receipt into his pocket. “Aether? We gotta leave before the restaurant starts their Love Hour.”

Thankfully for him, Aether had cooperated. He kept a steady hand on her shoulder as they descended the steps, leading her to his car. “Y’know,” she started as he opened the car door for her, “I never…never expected to be taken out tonight. Not at all.”

The admission made him quiet. Upon getting into the driver’s side, he waited for her to start talking again.

 “I…understand that this is not a date,” she managed slowly as he drove them down the road. “Because as attractive as you may be, I don’t want to fucking date you.” That made him laugh.

“Is there anything you want to get off your mind?” he asked. She looked like she wanted to decline, but Peters wasn’t going to let that happen. “Seriously, A. I’m offering you a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of offer here.”

“I know that,” she replied snippily. Peters resisted the urge to make a snappy comment, merely shutting his mouth and waiting. Eventually, Aether lifted a hand and rubbed the side of her face, exhaling slowly. “God…don’t laugh. Please don’t laugh. But I never expected to feel so goddamn lonely.”

He didn’t laugh. Aether let out a little huff that sounded like a laugh, and went on explaining. “Two months, Pete. Two fucking months. That’s barely enough time to get over anything or move closer towards moving on.” Aether closed her eyes. “It’s…lonely. It’s ridiculously lonely.”

“…you miss Mathieu, don’t you?”

Peters wasn’t looking at her, but he could tell that a pained expression came to the other person’s face. Aether blinked back tears, glancing out the car window this time. 

“...I do. I really, really do.”  

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