Monday, February 15, 2016

Russ' Updates #071: Not Bitter

Hi Darlings! 

I hope you guys had a good week and an enjoyable Valentine's day, whether you're single or not. For this weekend, my date was (mostly) schoolwork and research, so...that's something. 

"Please don't mind the mildly bitter blogger."
Anyway, apologies for sort of being inactive from Friday to Sunday, ack. :< A couple of heavy academic stuff came up and I sort of ended up working on them across the weekend. To make up, I hope I can post two shorts this week instead of the usual just one. Who knows - maybe I can throw in a bonus short too, yes? And who knows - maybe one of them will feature other characters. 

As usual, it's academics until Thursday (or Friday) and posting starting Friday. I really hope that I can keep up with that kind of schedule! As much as I want to keep posting and keep being active, some academic matters just make me want to tear my hair out. *sweatdrop emoji*

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russ Writes: A RF Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RF Graphic

Enjoy the week, everyone! 

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