Monday, February 22, 2016

Russ' Updates #072: New Ideas

Good evening, Darlings! I hope it's not blazing hot wherever you are right now. We're sort of close to the end of February, but the sun pretty much decided to roast everyone already. :--(

Anyway, I'm a little proud of myself for managing to post all the things I said I'd post last week. *throws confetti* Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same for this week, seeing as the 25th (this Thursday) is a national holiday! Expect a small something to be posted, yeah? :) 

"I can't wait for my arc. *squee*"
February is ending pretty soon, and that means saying goodbye to the month's Russie Features character for now. Don't fret, though - Kyong will continue to make appearances, and we'll eventually get to know more about her own individual story as well. ;D 

Anyway, if you follow Roth's blog (which you should), you may notice in her latest RWU that she mentioned both of us working on an entirely new project together. I'm very happy to confirm that yes, we're working on something hella new and hella special! I wouldn't want to say much because we only started around two weeks ago, but I can already tell that it's going to be fantastic.

That's all for this week!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russ Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russ Writes: A Transcendence Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RRC 2016 Graphic

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