Saturday, February 20, 2016

Assistance: A Russie Features Short

Jin-kyong’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2016


Jin-kyong barely lifted her head. The sound of footsteps filled the apartment and Song Hae-jin peeked at the form on the couch, a paper bag of takeout food in her arms. “Hae-won and Eun-seok are coming in a bit,” she continued despite the lack of answer from the other girl. “Eun-seok told me that you needed help getting your apartment back in top shape.”

“I don’t need help.” Despite that, Hae-jin set the paper bag down on the coffee table and searched for the cleaning supplies. “Hae-jin…”

“Don’t worry about it, Kyongsies.” She paused to look at the other and flashed a small, genuine smile. “I’ll get it done. You can stay there and rest all you want while we wait for the other two to arrive. Okay?”

The darker-haired model’s expression didn’t change. She merely gave a brief nod and turned on her side, curling up on the couch and pulling the blankets over her head. The smile on her face disappearing, Hae-jin sighed and resumed looking for the necessary tools needed in order to tidy up the other’s apartment.

In the span of an hour, Hae-jin had managed to make the place a little more decent. She had done a quick sweep of the floor and wiped off the counters, humming softly as she picked up whatever trash she could find and throwing it away. In the bathroom, she had wiped whatever she could, spraying a can of air freshener wherever she could.

Hae-jin wondered if cleaning up Jin-kyong’s bedroom was a good idea and for the moment, decided against it. She was left staring at the white door. “She isn’t staying in her own room for some reason,” she muttered, then took a chance and decided to come in.

From the couch, Jin-kyong barely stirred.

Hae-jin exhaled. Upon entering, she understood why her friend wanted nothing to do with her own bedroom.

On the walls were different pictures. Framed pictures, polaroid pictures, wallet pictures – pictures that she could snag. The polaroid pictures were what caught her attention; they were neatly arranged on a large corkboard which was hanging on her wall.

Most of the pictures contained Jin-kyong herself. She recognized one of them from a shoot they had to do a few months back in Los Angeles. She spotted herself in another, this time with her twin as well as Jin-kyong, the latter in the middle. The smile on her face was wide, and she had her arms wrapped aroud the twins affectionately.

The heartbreaking part, however, was the number of pictures dedicated to Soo-yeon. Hae-jin felt her heart crumble a bit in her chest as she looked at the different pictures as well as the captions written in black ink. There were pictures of Soo-yeon smiling, pictures of Soo-yeon laughing, and pretty much candid pictures of their blonde-haired friend.

Hae-jin took another step closer to the pictures and let her fingers touch one of them. “You really do miss her,” she whispered. She dropped her hand and looked at the rest of the room, exhaling once more. The usually pristine area was a mess, sheets strewn and a few pillows on the floor. Shoes were knocked over. Makeup had barely been touched.

Putting on a brave face for the sake of her friend, she took a nearby laundry basket and proceeded to sort the dirty clothes from the clean.

Outside the apartment, Hae-won watched silently as Eun-seok fumbled for the keys. “Are you sure you have another spare, or did you give it to my sister?”

“I’m sure I have a spare in here,” the other grunted. He fished around in his pocket until something he felt something hard. Smiling a bit, Eun-seok took it out and proceeded to unlock the front door. “Do you think Hae-jin managed to get her into a better mood?”

“Don’t know. Let’s see.”

The two had just come from other places, bringing other items with them. Eun-seok gave a sigh as he saw the female’s form on the couch, looking like she hadn’t moved an inch. Despite that, the rest of the apartment looked considerably better. The curtains were pulled slightly, letting sunlight come into the room. The floor didn’t look as dusty. It smelled like Jin-kyong’s favorite air freshener.

That had to be some kind of improvement.

“Hey, Kyong…” Hae-won could hear Eun-seok talking to the female; instead of hanging around, he looked for his sister. He found her in the bedroom, quietly sorting out clothes that were to be washed, and clothes that were to be refolded and hung in the closet. He was about to open his mouth to talk when the pictures caught his attention.

Hae-jin looked up and saw him looking at the pictures with a small frown on his face. She couldn’t help but give a sad smile. “You too?”

He snapped out of it. “What?”

“The pictures. They can be a little unsettling, considering what’s happened.” Hae-jin neatly folded a white shirt and put it on the pile next to her. Her brother joined her, sitting on the wooden floor and starting to match socks (which was an easy task, considering the fact that Jin-kyong liked wearing different-colored and differently-designed ones).

The two of them stayed quiet, assisting each other and folding, separating, sorting. The silence was there until Hae-won cleared his throat. “You weren’t able to get her off the couch.”

“I wasn’t,” the other agreed. “But…I understand. Or at least I think I can understand her, just a little bit. In a way, she’s right. None of us knew Yeonnie the way she did. And we both know how she felt for her, so…this is all hitting her hard. Really hard.”

Hae-won stayed silent.

“We should just be there for Kyongsies…she needs all the help she can get, and we’re the only ones who can give it to her. She helped us out before, remember?” he nodded. “So…we should get her bedroom cleaned up and then coax her to eat with us. I think we’ll need to reheat the food, but it’ll do.” Hae-jin told him, folding the clothes at a faster pace and with a new vigor. Her brother rose from the wooden floor and kissed the top of his twin’s head.

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

Hae-jin gave a tiny smile. “I hope she does. If Yeonnie were here…I bet she’d just want to see all of us smiling again. Especially Kyongsies.”

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