Monday, March 21, 2016

Conversations: A Russie Features Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
May 2014

After touring around the building, Eri had asked for herself and Aether to have a small ‘talk’ in her own office. Tadashi was apprehensive about letting Aether go, but the other woman rolled her eyes and told him that he had to check on some of the other agents first. This eventually led to Tadashi leaving, and Eri kindly showing her the way to her office.

Eri’s office was a breath of fresh air. Gone were the intense white walls and clean floor, the sight of everyone walking around in business suits and carrying different folders, containers, and whatnot. Instead, it was a personal space; wooden furniture around, and a warm plum color coating the walls.

“Coffee or tea?” the woman had asked. Aether turned and saw that Eri had already discarded her coat on the coat-hanger by the door, and was this time going through a small container which was placed on one of the room’s small, glass tables. “Tadashi tells me you’re a coffee person, which is great, but your record also says you’re English, so. Coffee or tea?”

“Coffee – coffee would be great.” Eri nodded and Aether took a tentative seat on the couch, looking around in wonder. Framed on the left wall were different photographs as well as official-looking certificates; on another was a framed picture of what looked like her family.

“How are you finding it so far?”

Aether took a deep breath. On one hand, she could give a bright smile and tell the other woman that she was doing okay; project a confident image. On another hand, however, she could also admit to feeling overwhelmed about the entire thing. She could share about her own apprehensions and confide to the other that the whole thing felt incredibly surreal.

Then again, she probably didn’t have to. Eri Nagakawa caught the conflicted look on her face and gently pushed a hot mug of coffee towards her. She looked up, startled at the sound. “It’s a little scary, isn’t it?”

“…it is.” Aether took the mug into her hands and sipped, “It’s…a little overwhelming.”

“Care to share? We have a lot of time until Tadashi comes back,” Eri offered, looking at her phone afterwards, “And trust me – it’s a lot of time.” The older woman sat across her on the other couch, holding her own cup of coffee. “You know, lots of agents who are just starting out tend to feel the same way. New ones like you,” the Japanese woman added. “The difference is, most of them bluff and say they’re fine. That isn’t the case after they’re sent out on their first mission,” she explains, rolling her eyes along with it. She trains her eyes on Aether, “You, though – you readily admit that you’re not okay. And that’s a good thing. It helps get the feelings out quickly, and you adjust easier. So, tell me what’s on your mind.”

Aether swallows nervously and takes another drink. Eri waits, giving her the time she needs. She occasionally checks her watch and engages in small talk until the other, younger one opens her mouth to speak.

“Will I be put with Tadashi’s team?”

“You should be. I spent a long time convincing him to take you in, and after seeing how you two interact with each other, I think he’s willing.” She explained. Aether gave a slow nod, lost in thought. Eri eyed her, “Why?”

“Nothing, I…I was just wondering I’d still be put with him and all. Considering how close are.” Aether looked down, still holding the coffee in her hands. “Guess it wouldn’t feel right if we were just – you know – separated or anything.”

You don’t know how badly he needs someone like you, though. “I can reassure you that you’ll be put into his team.” Eri told her, trying not to let the smirk reach her lips. “I’m just surprised that you were able to take the past few years with him.”


“Yeah…he’s got some stuff he needs to deal with. Anyway, you’re staying with him. The higher-ups saw that he was capable, and thought that it would be best for you to stay with him entirely. Tadashi’s a good man – he’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s still a good person.” Eri drank from her mug and leaned back against the couch, watching Aether. “What do you think?”


“What do you think? You think you’re ready for all of this, or…are you starting to doubt? Be honest with me here.”

Aether exhaled and set the cup back down. “I’m not doubting where I ended up, really. It’s just this feeling of being overwhelmed. Realizing where I am now and where I’m going to go with my life if I end up going in this direction. It’s…it’s nothing like I had imagined when I was younger,” she muttered.

“Are you okay with sharing?”

“Yeah, sure – I mean…I sort of expected myself to go into something more artistic. But no – here I am now.” Aether closed her eyes, “I just want to see how it goes, really. But somehow…this feels right. Where I am now feels right.”

Eri just listened.

“I doubted at times. Like during college. I doubted where I was in the right place. But…it somehow clicked together when I graduated and saw Tadashi there, watching. It’s a little weird to hear, but my life felt like it clicked together when I graduated. Felt like I knew what I had to do,” she explained. “I’ll…admit that being in HQ right now sort of feels foreign. I have to adjust again, but…I’m sure I’ll get over it.”

You got a good one, Tadashi. Treat her well. Eri merely nodded with a small smile gracing her lips. “Good to know. That’s really good to know.”

“You think? I mean – I don’t know.” Aether glanced away, “It might not be the best for new agents to feel…weird, like this. You know?”

“Contrary to due belief, it actually is. They get more of a chance to review things for themselves, compared to those who just rush into it head first. So, as far as I’m concerned? You’re doing okay. You’re going in the right direction.”

Aether was about to open her mouth when a knock came at the door. Eri rolled her eyes and got up, walking to the door and opening it. Tadashi poked his head in. “Are you two doing okay?”

“Aether and I were actually having a good conversation, Sato.”

“Oh? That’s good.” Tadashi looked over at Aether, who waved back at him meekly. “I was thinking of introducing her to a couple more people around the office, actually. Some vital people.”

Eri narrowed her eyes at him and stared. Tadashi stared back. After a minute of staring (which mildly freaked Aether out), Eri sighed. “Fine. But I expect to be having more conversations with her, Sato. Got it?” Tadashi nodded and Eri turned her head, looking at Aether with a small smile. “Alright then. This asshole needs you back for some reason.”

“Excuse you–” Ignoring him, Eri watched as Aether came to the door and extended a hand. “It was good talking with you, Aether. Hopefully I’ll be seeing you around even more.” Aether shook Eri’s hand and nodded, replying that she hoped to see Eri around as well.

Tadashi gently put a hand on Aether’s shoulder and walked her out, telling her animatedly that there was someone he wanted her to meet a few floors below. Aether nodded quietly and listened, though thought back on what Eri had told her during their conversation.

You’re doing okay. You’re going in the right direction.

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