Monday, July 4, 2016

Russ' Updates #091: Breaking July

Good evening, guys! 

So I am definitely not feeling that well considering that I was sick during the weekend. *sweatdrop emoji* I'm doing better, though, to the point that I have officially started working on the graphics aspect of August's blogsary. :D

On the topic of blogsaries, please go and check out Rothie's, which is currently happening and will last throughout July! Currently, she's on the first week and is currently covering Mirage. Please do support her throughout the entire month and send her all your love.

"Go do that. Go, go, go."
Meanwhile, you guys can start expecting sneak peeks and previews for August's celebration starting next week or within the next two weeks, I'm not too sure. I don't plan on doing a countdown like the last few years, but I'm definitely going to post previews here and there. :> 

This week, expect your usual Russ Features as well as your shorts here and there!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: A RRC Short

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