Monday, March 20, 2017

Russ' Updates #127: Limits

Heyo, all! Hope everything is going okay!

I can't honestly get over how March just seems to be one big hell month--I thought that it would be over a week ago, considering that there was a lot going on. But it's still not over? March keeps going, amd there's eleven days until the end, but. Things just seem really draining as of late. :((

I've been thinking more lately, and I think I want to stick to my two-posts-a-week quota? Excluding the RussDates, of course; it just seems more hassling if I try to push myself to reach my own limit when I shouldn't, if that makes sense. As much as possible, I don't want to stress myself out--stress would affect the quality of my posts, and that is something I want to avoid as much as possible! 

So until this settles over, I think I'll be sticking to just a few posts a week. I know I said that I'd be on top of my a-game, but. It might be for the best! Come summer vacation, I'll do my best to pick up activity--and I want to. There's a lot I want to write and a lot I want to share. :') 

"Don't push yourself too hard!"

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic


UPDATE: thank you so much for 30,000 views! 💕
sort of hard to believe that after ~4 years of being here, i'd be reaching another milestone.
so--thank you, thank you, thank you. i'll make up soon. xx

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