Monday, April 10, 2017

Russ' Updates #130: Downtime

Hi guys! Happy Holy Week if you're celebrating it, and if you're not, then happy April! 

It's currently my HW break from today until Sunday; I'm at least hoping that I can post a bit more in the coming days despite me having papers and whatnot to do. If anything, I'm hoping I can get something out regarding the new trio and/or Tadashi! Keep an eye out for anything about those people; keep an eye out for posts in general. 

And speaking of the trio--I hope the new three have you guys somehow intrigued! To be honest, they're pretty fresh additions--especially the characters of Iris and Ezra. Their stories, as well as the mystery of what happened to Iris Hu, is something I hope I'll be able to talk more about soon. 🌼

"Keep watching, all!"

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic

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