Monday, April 3, 2017

Russ' Updates #129: Almosts

Good evening, Darlings!

It’s only a week left until the Holy Week Break (for me, at least)—just keep holding on for now! There are a lot of things due for me this week academically and non-academically, so at least give me time to get everything done before I (hopefully) come back full force on Friday.

Anyway, in case you haven’t noticed, I switched up the blog layout pretty recently! If the first three months of the year highlighted the models, this time around there’s going to be more focus on META. The character on the banner is Leo Vargas, who first appeared in Traditions. Expect more appearances from him as well as new characters within the weeks!

"Hello, hello!"
Smol update, by the way: I sort of have blog plans? I don’t want to give away too much, but I’d like to try something out by the end of May and for the entire month of July! More details will be given when I’m 100% sure that I can pull them off, but for now, stay hyped.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic

That’s all for the week! Just a few more days and we’ll be okay. 💜

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