Monday, April 17, 2017

Russ' Updates #131: Schedule

Hello, hello! Hope everything's okay! 

Officially back to campus for me; just to be sure, don't expect too much to be posted except for maybe a graphic and a short here and there. Temporarily removing the Posts to Expect section of this thing so that I won't really feel pressured and everything!

Anyway--I hope you guys really liked what went up last week! Standstill is something I'm really happy with; it was originally supposed to be a 500-750 word thing, but. That happened. 😅  I'll try to post more things like that in the future as previews or teaser, but. We'll see! 

"I'm looking forward to it."
That's all for this week. Wish me luck--I've got roughly a month left until my summer break!

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