Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Russ' Updates #132: Rushing

Hi there, Darlings! 

I'm sorry for the late update--things have been a little hectic again. There's been a couple of deadlines I had to meet, as well as a presentation I had to do yesterday. I was actually thinking of skipping out on updating this week just to cool down, but I didn't really like the idea of that--so here I am! 

There's a couple of weeks until my summer break, and believe me--I'm super ready to just submit everything else and get some well-deserved rest. I've just got, what; three or four weeks to go before my well-deserved break! 

"Keep calm, loves."
Still no Things to Expect segment, sorry about that! But I'll do my best to still appear here and there. Definitely promise to talk about my summer plans pretty soon, too. 

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