Monday, May 29, 2017

Russ' Updates #136: Gold Coast

Hi, everyone! 

Currently in Australia—it’s been a pretty great trip so far! It’s a little hard thinking up and making things to post as we’re practically out most of the time, but I’ll still do my best. 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Tad’s arc. It’s meant to be similar to Standstill, which I had posted last month. I wrote Standstill to get a feel of what Tad’s arc was supposed to be like; it was also me trying out a different writing style and everything. It’s something I really like so far! I’m hoping that I can pump out another chapter or two this week and really get things going. 

Will also be posting something pretty interesting within the week. It’s not anything I’ve shared on here yet so it might be a little weird, but bear with me! It’s something pretty vital in terms of Coalesce’s main plot. 😉

That’s all for this week! Rest up and be happy. 💛

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

[Coa] Tadashi: Chapter 001

Tadashi's Apartment 
Seattle, WA
United States of America
August 2009

 Taadashi Sato releases a shaky breath as he shifts back onto his side. 

His eyes remain firmly shut, body having been still and unmoving for hours. The only thing that had forced him back to reality was his phone alarm having had gone off an hour back. In response, Tadashi merely reached under his pillow with a grumble and turned it off without care. 

It was routine at that point. Tadashi's routine nowadays was to ignore and sleep past anything and anyone who would try to rouse him from slumber. To him, that remains the only way he could and can manage to fight off the dull ache resounding from his chest. 

At the moment, he remains in slumber. There's mumbling that escapes his lips, garbled words sounding strangely like wait and please. His body jerks once, then twice before he wakes abruptly. There's a gasp for air, a shaky release. 

Alive. You're alive.

His body shakes. Sweat drips down the side of his face. Tadashi inhales, exhales, and then repeats the process. There's nothing but a constant buzz in his mind; it's an unsettling sensation that makes his stomach lurch. His figure flinches in response to his thoughts; with his mind slowly coming to life and his subconscious starting to whisper, all he could do was push himself up and bury his face into his hands. Words try to leave, but he finds himself unable to say anything; harsh breaths escape his mouth. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Russ' Updates #135: Travels


This is it--my summer vacation has finally arrived! [cheering emoji] After months of working, doing papers, and everything like that--I'm happy to say that I'm finally free for the next couple of months (or at least until the first or second week of August). It's been such a long semester, and I'm glad to be taking a rest. And speaking of rest--

I'll be out of the country for less than a month! We'll be heading to ~Australia~ for a couple of weeks. With that, I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to post on here as much. Aside from the whole traveling aspect of the vacation, I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to bring my laptop. I'll do my best to post, but--no promises. And to think I really wanted to post the first chapter of Tad's arc, too; we'll see what I can do!

[UPDATE (052417)]: Greetings from Australia! I'm glad to say that I've got my laptop and that I'll be poting Tad's arc from this point onwards. 😉

But aside from that--I guess that's all there is to say! I'm finally free; hell, I'm glad to be free.

Also, you might notice that the coming updates would lack their usual header--this was intentional! I'm fixing up my laptop at the moment and am in the process of reinstalling the apps that were lost during its reformatting. They'll (hopefully) be back soon!

"Take a break."

Monday, May 15, 2017

Russ' Updates #134: Freedom

Good evening, everyone! 

It's currently finals week for me--and a bit of good news, I've got two requirements left! Probably won't be posting much until Friday, but from that point onward, I'm officially free. :'D Hope you guys liked the smol posts, though; after listening to the new Paramore album I got inspired to make that gifset. [cheeky wink]

Just keeping this short since I've got one paper to revise and another coming this Wednesday! Really want to focus on finishing everything first before relaxing and starting to have fun. 

I'll probably go back to the OG META trio in the coming days; hope you all look forward to that! 💘

"It's going to be intense."

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Introductions: A Coalesce Graphic (2/?)

 ( r e ) i n t r o d u c i n g : 
chadwick boseman as anthony wilson howard
"just a young gun with a quick fuse."

Monday, May 8, 2017

Russ' Updates #133: Explanations

Hi guys! 

So--you might have noticed that I wasn't able to post an update last week. 😅  I apologize for that, really; I think it's pretty obvious based on the lack of activity that I've been really busy with academics and everything. Rest assured that I'll (hopefully) be back here once the semester ends! As I keep saying, there's a bunch of stuff I want to end up doing--a lot of stuff that I'm excited to share with everyone. 

With that, I guess I can finally start explaining. 

First major thingy: I'll finally start posting the Coalesce arcs by the end of May! If you guys have noticed, I've started to post a bit more about Tadashi and three people who haven't been introduced yet. Check it out in this tag for more! But to quickly explain, the arcs are going to start soon, with Tadashi's being the opener. I'm really hoping that you look forward to it--I've spent the past weeks just conceptualizing and fixing things that had to be straightened out. 

"Not going to lie: a lot is going to happen."

Second major thingyCoalesce's location is going to change! I thought it would be better to change locations from Atlanta, GA to Seattle, WA. I've done some digging around and genuinely think that this is going to be for the best. So in the coming days or weeks, expect the locations to change as well as a few details here and there--shorts from today onwards will use 'Seattle' instead of 'Atlanta'. 

Third major thingy: I'll be doing something nice this coming July! Don't want to spoil it too much, but here's a clue: it's something I did back in the earlier days of the blog. 😉  Consider it as a revamp or an updated version of that challenge! 

That's all for this week--again, I'm really sorry for the inactivity, huhu. I'm definitely going to make up for it as soon as the semester ends (which is after the 20th)! 

Have a lovely week 💖