Monday, June 26, 2017

Parental: A Coalesce Short (2/4)

Mack’s Apartment
Seattle, WA
The United States of America
June 2017

“I’m not going to say much—but I will say that you overreacted.”

Aether said nothing. Mack heaved a sigh; getting up from his couch, he swept the empty glass of wine and set off to the kitchen to refill it. He honestly had no idea how to resolve the issue between Tadashi and Aether. While he knew that Peters was keeping the Korean company in the latter’s apartment, it wasn’t exactly enough to mend the rift between them. It was a bad fight. It was one of their worse arguments—hell, it was a rare incident of an argument to begin with. Aether and Tadashi weren’t the type of pair who fought.

But it happened just two days ago, and neither him nor Peters were sure on how they could make the two stand in the same room and apologize to one another. Mack exhaled as he gingerly refilled the wine glass; while he supported having an alcohol-induced night out Aether any day of the week, drowning one’s self in wine was never the best solution. He made a mental note to pry away the glass by the time she got pink.

Hell, he wasn’t even sure how he would approach Aether about the topic.

The argument ended with Aether leaving and Tadashi standing there with a look on his face that Mack hardly ever saw. It was more than ‘kicked puppy’; while Mack wasn’t one for emotions, seeing Tadashi like that made his chest hurt slightly.

He tried to see things from both parties’ perspectives. Aether was right in one way; Tadashi had to learn that she could take care of herself. Granted, he was fearful within reason, but it was something he himself had admitted. There was a need for Tadashi to let go of past fears and let whatever happen to happen. He couldn’t stop it.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Parental: A Coalesce Short (1/4)

Seattle, WA
The United States of America
June 2017

Peters and Mack didn’t know how the argument had escalated that badly.

All four members of Squad A were gathered in Aether’s office for debriefing purposes; after Aether had recounted the events of the day, Tadashi followed up with his usual spiel concerning their own personal safety. “Put yourselves first,” he reminded them. Throwing a glance in Aether’s direction, he continued: “We’re not going to get anything done if we don’t try and take care of ourselves. And that goes for all of us.”

“I can’t help but feel that you’re only targeting one of us,” Peters quipped. Tadashi said nothing; Mack tried not to look at Aether. The female merely glanced away and folded her arms over her chest. Looking unaffected was not one of her strengths; Mack could tell by the look in her eyes that she had gotten Tadashi’s message loud and clear. “So let’s address the elephant in the room—”

“No need.” Aether waved it off. Tadashi gave a frown and was about to speak up, to contest, but Aether carried on quickly. “I get it. I need to rest.”

“It’s not that simple, Aether,” he responded. The two of them looked at each other, Tadashi only looking more upset and Aether clearly trying not to get agitated. Peters muttered a yikes under his breath and Mack inhaled deeply. It was rare that the two ever got into arguments—if anything, the two who bickered the most were Aether and Peters, but a fight as serious as the storm that was brewing had last occurred long ago.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Pride: A Coalesce Graphic

"I sing Vanessa's symphony; Eliza tells her story.
Now fill the world with music, love, and pride."

Monday, June 12, 2017

Goodbyes: A Coalesce Short

Hu-Tully-Vargas Apartment
Seattle, WA
United States of America

“I can’t believe you.”

Ezra Tully shuts his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose, and counts to ten slowly while inhaling. He tries to ignore Leo’s ranting, the pacing, the occasional Spanish curses that come out once every couple of breaths. “Fucking unbelievable,” Leo Vargas rants. “I can’t believe you said that—that you encouraged her to go to the fucking lion’s den here in Seattle—”


“She’s still young, Ezra! She’s younger than the both of us, what were you thinking—”


“And we can’t contact her, her battery was close to dead when she left.” Leo takes a deep breath; Ezra takes the opportunity to open his eyes. “This is stupid, we’re leaving—”

“Leo!” Leo stops; he meets Ezra’s eyes. There’s frustration, a hint of confusion, a hint of shame. The presence of shame makes Leo want to rip out his hair; all that goes on in his head are the phrases we shouldn’t have sent Iris out and we’re idiots, we’re fucking idiots. Ezra shakes his head, clears himself of emotions, and gives Leo a harsh look. “Iris is going to be fine. She knows better than to investigate matters that she shouldn’t get her hands on.”