Sunday, August 6, 2017

Discussion: Linda and Lysette

Hello, hello—good evening, guys! 

We’re pretty much wrapping up with the first week of the fifth blogsary celebration. I hope it’s been great for you guys so far! For this Discussion-slash-Rambles, we’ll be talking about Lysette from Coalesce and her counterpart, Linda from the DNAU-verse. Seeing as Lysette is one of the newer (if not the newest) main character in Coalesce and how Linda barely made appearances in the DNAU-verse, tonight’s discussion might be an interesting one. 

Click the ‘read more’ if you’d like to keep going! 💚

"At least I get some of the spotlight this time."

If you were to go back and skim over the different DNAU-verse posts that I’ve posted throughout the years, you would notice that Linda didn’t quite appear as much as I would have wanted her to. She would be mentioned the most if the short were delving into A.’s time at the orphanage—after all, she was A.’s assigned roommate as well as her best friend while A. was still all the way in England. 

Her role in the DNAU-verse was admittedly limited to the role of a best friend. In my mind, Linda was one of the very first people who A. had befriended, and was there throughout her side after A. had lost her family and while she adjusted to the orphanage. I had wanted to elaborate on her character even more, however the source material barely gave her any attention either. If you remember, Linda in the manga had called for Near to play with her on one occasion, and had also drawn pictures of him and Mello when the orphanage had been investigated by the Task Force. 

Based on what I’ve written for her, though, I can tell that Linda was more extroverted, more willing to go beyond herself in getting to know others. It’s in this short that A. wonders how she and Linda had managed to get along so well despite some differences in their personalities. Linda, after all, was more prone to being playful and probably caused trouble in class more often than she would like to admit. Linda was a gossip who couldn’t help but dabble into other peoples’ business, while A. preferred to stay quiet and on the sidelines. 

As the DNAU-verse timeline went on and as A. moved to the Japan, Linda’s appearance dwindled down considerably, only being mentioned in different shorts. It is in this one that we get to hear A.’s thoughts about her best friend; after Matt asks whether A. had tried to search for Linda or not, A. simply guessed that she was off traveling as a renown artist. Immediately after, though, she acknowledges that she “owes her [Linda] a lot”, showing how much the girl means to her. 

Linda’s role as A.’s best friend as well as a talented artist can be two common points when it comes to Lysette’s character. I mentioned at the start of the post that Lysette is the newest main character in Coalesce, and that’s actually true! 

Originally, there were eight mains: everyone except for Lysette. At that point, each of the eight had been assigned a color. It was only after I reassigned Aether to red that I realized I was lacking someone who could be Coalesce’s green. After some time, I decided to introduce a new character, Lysette, who I initially based off on someone I know in real life.

Lysette and Linda are both artists and both act as A./Aether’s best friend. Lysette, though, has her own story and is more prominent in Coalesce based on what I’ve plotted and what all of us have seen so far. Despite Aether leaving to go to the United States, Lysette firmly remained in the orphanage and built herself up before she could attend university. It is after graduation that she finds herself as part of META, a company dedicated to creating online media as well as publishing its own magazine. Initially a graphic designer, Lysette doubles on the job as a feature writer as well. Her being part of META is what helps bring her to the main story of Coalesce; she finds herself assigned to write about HQ and eventually travels all the way to Seattle to learn about HQ as well as to finally reunite with her best friend. 

Unfortunately for Lysette, though, she’ll eventually find herself tangled up in a much more complicated story than she initially expected. Then to add to that, she just might find out why exactly Ezra Tully and Leo Vargas were so wary of letting her go in the first place…

Words to describe Lysette are creative, headstrong, and determined. If in the DNAU-verse it was A. who had to do the finding, then this time around it's Lysette who's eager to seek and find her best friend once again. While still very much Aether's best friend, she's her own person with her own agendas, dreams, fears, and whatnot. She's stronger emotionally and has a good grasp of what she wants to happen and what she wants to see, although what may strike her down come the main plot would be her stubborness as well as how willing she is exactly to get to the very heart of the story.

Lysette is someone with the right intentions and an amazing amount of skill--she just has to look after herself before she ends up in way more trouble than she had prepared herself for.

"That. That sounds so much like a warning."
Aaaand that's it for this post! 🌟  I hope that this helped you get to know both Linda and Lysette even more! In half an hour, the blog's layout will be changing to reflect the second week of the celebration.

I'll see you guys in a few days. 😉

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