Saturday, August 12, 2017

Discussion: Kenichi vs. Jin-ho

Hi, guys! Apologies for posting this late—I’ve been doing readings and short assignments all day, and I sort of wanted to get most of them done so that I could spend my Sunday chilling out and doing some light reading. Anyway, welcome to our fourth discussion! 

This time, I’m going to be talking about Jin-ho (from Coalesce) and his counterpart, Kenichi (from DNAU-verse). Looking at the two of them, they’re pretty similar; I sort of want to say that not much has changed, but as we’ve seen from the prior discussions, there’s always gotta be some degree of change here and there, right? 

Click the ‘read more’ if you’re interested in finding out more about these two businessmen! 


Right off the bat, I want to disclose that the idea of someone like Kenichi actually came from a friend I had a couple of years back. She and I were heavily into the roleplaying community of Death Note. From time to time, we’d insert some background characters here and there—but on this one instance, she introduced a character named Kenichi who was a good friend of Matt’s. After his introduction, I sort of got the idea to develop him into a separate idea and everything else happened. 

(Hi, Ton—if you’re reading this, thank you. Ken’s all yours!) 

Kenichi Matsumoto is a young CEO who had recently acquired the family business. He’s fairly charismatic and knows his way around people; he’s a vibrant young man who knows his way around in various social circles. Initially underestimated, he’s made leaps and bounds ever since taking his father’s position. However, he finds himself in a bind after deciding to look towards the darker, more dangerous path simply for the sake of keeping his business afloat and on the very top. 

He’s pretty determined as well as headstrong; and while I haven’t necessarily shown it in the different DNAU-verse shorts, he actually had a tendency to be hard on his people. This is hinted through Matt—time and time again would he come home to A. looking exhausted. When prompted why and asked what happened, he would simply answer with a wry expression that it was “Matsumoto being hard on everyone” that day. 

Matsumoto was also the kind of person who had connections with everyone. Again, while not explicitly stated, he was sure to maintain his connections so that he could pull strings and ask favors when needed. In the DNAU-verse, this was how he was able to make sure that A. was kept safe while he and Matt had run off—he had cashed in a favour and asked for the person to make sure that she wasn’t in too much danger. After all, it was the least he could do for her and Matt, knowing that the damage he had caused affected them as well. 

On a bit of a sadder note, though; after coming back with Matt and resolving to never return to the dark path that he had forced himself into, the consequences sort of started to hit. As a result, he became paranoid because of the atrocities he commanded to be done and whatever he had asked. We can see his paranoia especially in this earlier short, as well as how Matt comments that Kenichi had been harsh towards his co-workers. He gets terribly paranoid, even gets nightmares about what he's done—and while not as obvious as I would have wanted it to be, then he clearly regrets his actions and does what he can to make up for all of it.

So let's bring in Jin-ho—and well, Jin-ho's ridiculously similar to Kenichi. Similar to Matt versus Mathieu, some vital plot points have changed as well as some key aspects of his personality. I think it's fair to say this time that his motivations and his overall depth as a character has been made even better!

"Fair to say that I like myself."

An example is his ultimate motivation: his family's legacy. If Kenichi didn't bother to think about family as much, then Jin-ho is all about his own. Disappointing them was the last thing he wanted to do; it might have been what inspired and pushed him to keep being at his best self while he grew up. Ever since his younger years, Jin-ho aspired to be the best version of himself that he could put out. This was combined with how much he knew that his family was highly looked at; add the fact that he wanted to prove himself worthy in hopes of inheriting Kang Enterprises. Jin-ho's overall family legacy is what prompts him to take the sketchier side of things; as much as possible, wants the company at the best position and doesn't want anything to happen to it. Of course, this is a little ironic, considering that what he does actually puts the Kang family's legacy at risk.

Compared to Kenichi, Jin-ho goes all out on his charisma and on his being people-centric. This is what puts him aside from his father Tae-min, who preferred to keep close his personal life as well as his family. Jin-ho surrounds himself with people, puts on a charming smile, and like Kenichi, he likes maintianing his connections here and there. But that aside, he's also cunning, and what stands out about him is his ambition. Jin-ho is extremely ambitious; he aims high, does his best in what he does. When he works on something for the sake of his family, he puts his all into it.

Though at the same time, this obviously has its own consequences. The thing about Jin-ho that Kenichi's character wasn't able to capture as much is his being a workaholic; ever since his earlier years as a student, Jin-ho wasn't as accustomed to the idea of taking a break and letting himself relax. His parents might have encouraged him to take time for himself every once in a while, but...this didn't really seem to mix well with his perfectionist and ambitious tendencies. As a result, this continued onto college and eventually, adulthood.

I don't want to spoil much right now, but if you look at the second half of the graphic for Jin-ho...I think some of you (if not all) would be able to catch on to what would happen to Jin-ho as the plot of the story is continued and as more is revealed about him. Sad to say, Jin-ho's habits are soon to catch up to him, and...the best isn't really going to happen any time soon.

Plot-wise, things remain pretty much the same except for some changes! Jin-ho picks up Mathieu in San Francisco and offers him a better shot at life, then eventually asks Mathieu to don on a much more complicated and a riskier role than he intended to ever offer. Next thing you know, Mathieu accepts, Jin-ho gets caught up in his own personal ambitions—and that's always something dangerous. It's not to say that he's an entirely horrible person, however; eventually Jin-ho does manage to pull himself out of it and attempts to rebuild his image while at the same time wanting to do better, wanting to be better.

(But of course, things are not always as easy as that.)

That's all for this discussion, loves! 💛  I hope you guys managed to enjoy that—I'm excited for Jin-ho's character, and while his story makes me really sad, it's one that I'm hoping I'll be able to pull off and do well.

I'll be changing the blog layout by Monday, so while waiting, expect a RussDate to drop in a couple of hours! Have an amzing day. 

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