Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Discussion: Mathieu and Matt

Hello, everyone! While school has started once again, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to let anything get posted late. Welcome to the second week of the blogsary! 

For this round of rambles, I’m going to be talking about Mathieu from Coalesce and his counterpart from the DNAU-verse, Matt. As early as now, I want to say—boi. So much has changed when it comes to Mathieu vs. Matt, and those chances are ones that I sincerely like! Not to mention that whatever changes I’ve been applying have made me even more excited to write for him whenever that time comes—hopefully, soon! I just really like what I've got planned for Mathieu's arc.

If you’re interested in finding out why I’m Very Pumped, feel free to click the ‘read more’ link down there! This might just be one of my favorite dicussions yet. 

"I've got drinks for everyone."

So, Mail Jeevas. 

Looking back at his role in the DNAU-verse, I think it's easy to explain who he was. With the DNAU-verse being an AU where he never died and managed to survive what had happened, Matt decided to try his best and move on. Looking for Mello was difficult enough, and with the chances of his best friend's survival looking grim, he had no other choice but to move on and start anew. Eventually settling, it didn't take long until Matt was picked up by Kenichi Matsumoto and then asked to work for the Japanese business. Without much to do, Matt accepted.

His being part of Kenichi's guard eventually leads him to A. Maxwell, both of them encountering each other while on duty. Long story made short, after weeks' worth of her looking for him, she finally managed to do so before deciding to let him off for good. What followed this was a piqued interest in one another, and the two eventually started to date and engage in a relationship.

Matt is a relatively laid-back character; his goofy tendencies tend to come out much more, as well as his own geeky tastes every once in a while. When writing him, I made sure to include whatever else that the canon material did, part of these being his liking of video games and cigarette smoking. He's frequently seen smoking, either as a way to settle his nerves or simply out of habit. On another hand, he's not quite seen without his games—Matt was the type to bring along a smaller handheld gaming device every once in a while to play (while on the job).

When taking more artistic liberty with him, though, what stood out more about him was his tendency to be protective. Matt was crazy protective over A.—it was even the cause for them to get into a couple of fights every once in a while, if I remember correctly. He worried about her and her job, worried that something would happen to her even though he knew that she was perfectly capable of handling things on her own.

Matt was a sweetheart who wanted the best for his girlfriend while at the same time struggling to protect her due to what he did while working for Kenichi. Whle under Kenichi, Matt was made a hitman. These actions prompted them to leave Tokyo in a panic one day, resulting to A. being left behind without knowing why.

In all honesty, Matt's character did have a lot of potential, I suppose? Except for this: I was straying too far from the canon at that point. It eventually came to the point of me realizing one day that Matt simply wasn't Matt anymore—he had the exact same appearance, nearly the same backstory and whatnot, but at that point he simply wasn't himself anymore. Granted, canon!Matt never quite had the chance for development compared to the other mains of Death Note, but...

It's honestly both Matt and Touta's characters that jumpstarted me to really adapt the DNAU-verse into something more original. So with that in mind, let's jump to Mathieu:

Having read all of that, I think it can be said that Mathieu's one of the characters whose plot somewhat resembles the DNAU-verse's to a certain extent? The key elements are there: Mathieu eventually being picked up by Jin-ho, Mathieu starting a new life, Mathieu being made to kill as instructed by Jin-ho, Mathieu having to leave Aether, and etcetera. Admittedly, Mathieu plot-wise is roughly similar to Matt of the DNAU-verse. The key events are there, while being tweaked and adjusted to fit Coalesce more.

But more than that, the changes that I've genuinely liked so far include something that Matt didn't have, and this is Mathieu's faith.

I got the idea of making Mathieu a Catholic around October or November of last year; after doing some research, I found that France was primarily Roman Catholic. Insert me pulling some strings, putting some thought into the process, and before I knew, it Mathieu was made a Catholic. And honestly? This is a change that I've loved ever since coming up with it. All of a sudden, Mathieu's actions as Leroux had more weight to them. There was the sin aspect to consider, the beliefs, and whatnot; it was something I really wanted to explore in this short as well as this aesthetic. Mathieu suddenly felt more like a person, like someone who was more believable. He gained some sort of depth that I now realize Matt had been lacking the entire time in the DNAU-verse.

Another change that I like was how Mathieu had more of a motivation than before. While Matt's seemed to be to protect A. as much as he could, you have to admit that it was more for her and less for him—it was more A., less Matt.

This time around, something different with Mathieu is how his primary goal is to pretty much have a better, more stable, and safer kind of life. He didn't come from the most privileged of backgrounds, so stability was something that he craved often while younger. With that, his decision to accept Jin-ho's offer to work for him makes more sense: Mathieu wanted a better life than the one he had in San Francisco. Jin-ho was offering that. It was pretty much a no-brainer. With Jin-ho offering the chance to start anew, Mathieu seized it and recognzied that he owed the other so, so much.

Without spoiling too much, I can say as well that his loyalty towards Jin-ho strikes conflict with how he feels about having to kill. I doubt that Matt showed much remorse; but if he did, then it isn't to the extent that Mathieu does. Again, refer to the short linked earlier—there's a lot of guilt and shame hanging off of him, and Mathieu's religious beliefs tie into it a lot.

There's still so much I want to spill about Mathieu, honestly; there's a lot about him that I'm psyched for. In all honesty, he's one of the characters (or is the character) who has the most golden heart; his intentions are pure and have always been pure. However, her gets into an extremely tight spot that causes him to make decisions that aren't the best. Not to mention that these actions have dire consequences, as seen when he eventually leaves Aether, thus breaking her trust and causing her a harder time to forgive and take him back. 

But I'll have to stop there! I think this post is as long as it is—I hope you guys enjoyed that, because I really did. Mathieu is awfully close to my heart, and he deserves so much more.

That's it for today, I suppose; I'll be back in a few days for the next character! 

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