Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Inclement: A Royal Flush Short

Kingdom of Gorlassar
Gorlassar Castle
Main Entrance

“I can’t believe how rainy it is over here,” Karina Lestrange told the King, “Over at home, the weather is similarly close or practically the same. It’s like I never left in the first place,” she finished. Amused at her comparison, Arthur merely listened. The wooden carriage was bringing them back to the castle after a day of roaming the Kingdom; Arthur had toured her around and introduced her to a number of citizens. Up in the front, Alexander called.

“How does the weather look?”

“How else does it look?” Arthur replied dryly, “Aside from wet and depressing?” Karina heard Alexander snort and the King shook his head. “It might get worse. Speed up.”

“Don’t exert Georgia too much,” the blonde Knight complained. Either way, the carriage sped up and Karina found herself with her back against the seat, the surroundings falling away even faster as they moved to the castle. “We should be back in a good ten minutes. Is that fast enough for you?”

“Don’t test me,” Arthur replied, glancing at Karina and rolling his eyes. Karina merely smiled, glancing out the window of the carriage.

In truth, Karina hadn’t been feeling at her best. Ever since her friends had departed to three different kingdoms (Astrid to Raleigh, Robelle to Khloris and Cassidy to Xanthos), she felt strangely alone. Even though she was much more introverted and preferred to sit back and observe people, she had to admit that being away from her usual circle wasn’t that good at all.

(Arthur noticed. )

That morning, while they were having breakfast, Arthur told her to dress for the outdoors. When Karina replied that she didn’t have any other attire, Alexander ‘coincidentally’ passed by and dropped a parcel on an empty spot next to her utensils.

Contained inside the parcel was a set of new clothes.

So there she was, on the way back wearing a new attire. Karina was mildly thankful that whoever arranged her outfit chose for her to not wear a skirt.


“I – sorry, what?” Karina glanced up at Arthur. The brunet King was studying her with his sapphire-colored eyes. “Did you say something?”

He responded with his own question. “Did you enjoy?”

“I did,” she answered immediately. “Of course I did. I liked every part,” she told him truthfully. The lady paused to think, “…I just wish we could have stayed with Theo more,” she admitted. “I liked the mares – the brown one, to be exact.”

From the front, Alexander threw a reply. “Oh – we can go back anytime you want. Theo likes having people over.” Karina nodded and the carriage fell slowly into silence, the only sound present being the fall of the rain and the movement of the vehicle on the roads leading to the castle.

Minutes passed before Alexander stopped the carriage; Arthur opened the door, got out, and helped Karina down before closing it. Alexander gave a cheerful wave before he coaxed Georgia away; Arthur glanced up at the sky and gave a sigh. “I really hoped that it wouldn’t rain today,” he muttered. Karina blinked. “Oh well. We can always have another tour around next time.”

With that, he climbed up the stairs to the doors, leaving Karina staring after him with a small frown on her face. Spotting that he was on his way inside, she had no choice but to follow.

The rains grew a little more turbulent.

* * * * *

Karina was drying her hair when a knock came on her door; when she opened it, Alexander was there with a smile and a mildly wet envelope in his hands. “It’s a little wet,” he apologized as Karina took it, “From Astrid. It just came in.”

“Thanks,” Karina sat by the desk and sat down, Alexander freely taking a seat on the blue bed, “Is Arthur alright?”

“Still a prick, yes.” The Knight laughed. “Why?”

“…I don’t know, he just seemed downer when we were about to go inside. Does that usually happen with the two of you?”

“Oh.” Alexander stopped fiddling with the bed sheets and sucked in his lips, thinking. “Hmm. Yeah, he’s usually like that. Don’t mind him. The weather might be getting to him,” he explained. “He was looking forward to taking you out, and then it suddenly stopped when the rains came. I think he had something more planned for you, I don’t know – he just asked me to do the carriage work,” he laughed. Karina laughed along with him, but one thought lingered.

“I think he had something more for you.”

“What else was he planning?” Karina asked suddenly. Alexander blinked, his lighter eyes settling onto her.

“What else?”

“Yeah.” Karina focused her attention on to the wet envelope, and her fingers tried to open it without tearing it apart. Alexander gave a thoughtful sound.

“I think he was going to take you to the Crystal Lake,” he recalled. “The Crystal Lake is famous for glittering like crystals when the sun hits it just right. That’s obviously where it got its name. It’s also got a great view when the sun sets.” Karina blinked, remembering a picture of it from the book Arthur had lent her.

“Oh – so that was his last plan?”

“Mhm.” Alexander yawned and stretched. “Yeah, I think it was that. He didn’t really say anything else about other places to go to.”



“Why’d Arthur suddenly take me out today?” she asked. The Knight was the one who blinked this time. “What’s with that?”

“…you don’t know?”

“Does it look like I do?”

“You’re starting to sound like him,” Alexander sighed. After ruffling his blonde hair, he suddenly stood up. Karina blinked.


“Arthur knows, Karina.” She gave him a weird look and he smiled, walked to where she was, and ruffled her hair affectionately. She blinked yet again. “He knows that you’re feeling a little bit lonely after your friends went with the other Kings. Trust me when I say that he wishes you weren’t feeling that way.”

It all clicked in her head.

“Is that why he frequently asks me to be with you or Marseille? Encourages me to write letters to the others? Taught me how to use the owling system? Doesn’t want me to be a recluse in the room?”

“Yes, yes, yes and very much so,” Alexander confirmed. Karina made a face (despite the sudden trembly feeling she got in her stomach). “He’d like to spend more time with you, but…Kingly duties. Today was his off day.”

“Then why did he–”

“Spend it on you?” Karina didn’t say anything more. “Karina. Look at me.” She turned her chair, and Alexander gently placed his hands on her shoulders. “Seems pretty hard to believe, but Arthur sees you more than a guest,” he told her sincerely. “When the other Kings are around, he lets them do whatever. But you? He’s putting way more effort than he usually does,” he explained. “And again: not that obvious because our favorite King,” Karina laughed, “is a workaholic. But there’s something he put into this that isn’t so present in other required, business-y duties.”

Her curiosity spiked.

“What is it?”

Alexander merely smirked and pulled away. “Not telling you. Find out for yourself.” She gave him a look as he walked to the door.

But before leaving, he looked back at her.

“Here’s a clue: it isn’t Gorlassar’s kingdom insignia.”

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