Thursday, April 9, 2015

Russie Babbles: Stacked [Collaboration]

Hello, Darlings!

Take this as a break from the Graduation Celebration, which is halfway done with its Third Week. :D I still have around four posts to go, and then we can finally move on to the Fourth Week. That, however, is something reserved for this Monday. *laughs*

So what's this post about, you ask?

Really, it all started with a phone call with the lovely Rothie. Both of us suddenly brought up how many books we need to finish reading during the (hella long) summer. When I jokingly mentioned that we should post it, she thought that it would be a great idea. So, here we are now.

We actually did the book 'listing' and picture taking together - over a Viber call. 

This is our first collaboration, I think, in terms of non-lit thingies. If you want to check out her side of the story, check out this link. ^_^

"Procrastinating as usual, Russ?"
Shut up, Theo.

Anyway - below the read more will be the list of books I haven't read. *laughs*

Clockwise from upper left:

Why We Broke Up (Handler)
The Lightning Thief (Riordan)
1984 (Orwell)
Wicked (Maguire)
A Clash of Kings (Martin)
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock (Quick)
Falling into Place (Zhang)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Han)
After Dark (Murakami)

Alright, I'll explain.

I bought Why We Broke Up last year and started to read. However, it didn't exactly click with me. I found myself unimpressed with the story and really disliking the main characters. Due to that, I sort of lost the motivation to continue reading. However, since I don't really like leaving a book unfinished, I told myself that I'd start over this summer. 

The Lightning Thief was actually my younger brother's assigned reading for his English class. I've heard good things about the book series from a couple of my friends, and decided to take an interest in the series. I have the first two books so far, and I'm hoping that I end up liking the series!

1984 belongs to my dad and he's encouraged me to read it so many times I've lost count. Additionally, it's supposed to have inspired 1Q84 (by Murakami), which I've been dying to get my hands on. I like classics and I trust my dad's judgement, so there it is.

Wicked was a gift given to me by Rothie during December 2012. I was able to read the first few chapters, but school got in the way. Now, I'm thinking of starting again because I got hella interested with the Wicked universe - especially after watching the Wicked show staged in Manila last year. 

A Clash of Kings is on my priority list after reading the A Game of Thrones. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is also on my priority list as I've been searching for it for a long time. 

Falling Into Place and To All the Boys I've Loved Before are books I got interested in after reading this article. :D Because hey - even I need to satisfy the urge to read YA every once in a while. 

And finally, After Dark is something I've neglected for the longest time. Whoops.

From left to right:

The Cuckoo's Calling (Galbraith)
Confessions: The Private School Murders (Patterson and Paetro)
The Black Dove (Hockensmith)

Next up are these three!

I received The Cuckoo's Calling as a gift; I actually requested it after finding out that JK Rowling wrote it. Being a fan of Rowling as well as the crime genre, it piqued my interest. From this, I'm also going to find out if I'm interested in reading The Silkworm as well.

Confessions was an impulse buy after finding out that Patterson, author of the Maximum Ride series, also wrote this. Due to it being part of the crime genre, I decided to buy it also...only to find out that it's actually the second book in a series. I'm looking for the first as of now.

And finally, the last book on my list - The Black Dove. I received the book after engaging in a book swap with the school paper org three years back. I got interested after hearing that it was - you guessed it - something that belonged to the crime genre.

"I'm not surprised, really. I expected nothing less."
Unless you want me to sink your ship with Verena-

"What, you can't - I mean, I don't care. Psh. Whatever, Russ."

gfdi i ship it

There you have it, really! Those are the books I need to catch up with. *counts* I've got to finish twelve of them before I go back to school this August. Originally, I was also supposed to give a 'tour' around my workspace so that you guys would be able to imagine how I work, but... *embarrassed laugh* It's a mess and I still need to organize it. Wouldn't want to show you how messy it is. So for now, expect that to be posted some other time.

In all honesty, I've never been able to catch up purely because of my academic obligations - aka, Senior year. Now that Senior year is over, though, I have all the time (at least until August) to curl up somewhere and read to my heart's content.

That's all for today's Babbles post! Again, if you want to check out what my Rothie has done, go check it out over here. :D Thanks for hanging out with me, Darlings! Until next time~ <3

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