Saturday, April 18, 2015

Russie Babbles: Equilibriai [Conceptualization]

Hello and good evening, Darlings!

This is going to be the last Conceptualization post for TGC; I personally find that the central project which will be featured next week won’t need one. ^_^ Rather, I’ll post something else. That, though, is for next week~

Tonight, I’m going to be talking about my newest project, Equilibriai. It’s been something that’s been in my head since 2013 and is 100% original. There have been a lot of influences, a lot of changes, and I’m really excited to show you guys what’s been cooking in my head so far.

As usual, the read more link is just down there if you’re interested in reading!

"We're going to be discussing a lot."

If you’ve been hanging around since 2013, then you may remember a short I posted from back then entitled Alliance. It featured the then-versions of Margaux Princeton and Skylar Viridia, both of which were involved in some kind of Battle Royale tournament along with a number of other participants. In said short, Margaux and Skylar talk about taking Gears and Machina from the other contestants, which was the goal of the game.

My idea back then was for students who had special Gears (Gs) and Machina (Ms) to compete in that kind of competition, stealing from others they were able to kill. The victor should have collected all the Gs and As from the other participants. When this was done, they would be the sole master of the Gs and As until their death. When that would happen, the Gs and As would be scattered throughout the globe and the cycle would repeat itself.

2013!Russie thought that this was a great idea and thought that having Skylar and Margaux team up would be nice. Together, they would steal the Gs and Ms from everyone else and would proceed to overpower the system with their newfound powers.

Another short of mine, A Dance of Lightning and Ice, featured two different characters this time. Jade Ignis and Bianca Frigus engaged in battle with Jade emerging as the winner. This takes place in the same kind of competition but is set a generation forward.

…however, that was way too Battle Royale/Hunger Games so I discarded the idea. Usually, short-lived ideas like that would merely stay in my head for a really short amount of time. For some reason, though, the concept of Gears and Machinas stuck, along with the characters of Skylar and Margaux.

With that, I began to create a new world.

For the first few drafts, I originally had a Main Cast comprising of twelve (12) different characters. I based each character on my friends and wanted to make something out of it. However, I found that managing twelve main characters wasn’t exactly the best road to take. With that, majority were demoted while a few stayed as part of the MC.

Meanwhile, the concept of the Gears and Machinas changed drastically. Instead of being vials that had to be refilled constantly, they turned into ‘summoning’ weapons. Gears became more offense-based while Machinas, now Armors, became more defense-based. Gs and As, then vials, turned into weaponry that was worn around the User’s arm.

Last year, while the concept of Generations was still in my head, I created twelve more characters who corresponded to the Original Twelve.

Confusing? Hella.

Here’s an idea of the (discarded) Generations concept: Skylar Viridia and Margaux Princeton are part of Generation X. Jade Ignis and Bianca Frigus are part of Generation Y. I originally planned for there to be a Generation Z, but left that for another date.

With this, Generation X focused on the Gs and As being activated through fusion. Generation Y focused on the Gs and As being activated through song.

Things got too big for me to handle. With that, I discarded Generations Y and Z, and then focused on Generation X instead. I managed to deepen the concept of Gs and As more and then questioned: so, Russie, where the hell did Gs and As come from in the first place?

That was when the (then) Gods came into the picture.

I’ve always been a fan of mytholoy (except for the Iliad, but that’s another story). Greek Mythology has always been a point of interest as well as a bit of Japanese. With my interest, I thought: let’s put in some gods. Why the hell not.

After thinking of what to make them gods of, I decided to go with the traditional route and based them off the elements. Wanting to test this concept, I posted the first god-centered short on the blog entitled Finalities.

I liked where their concept was going and created more. This eventually birthed to Noctis and Lumen, their parents. Recently, a new character came to mind: the Supreme One, Crea, who had her debut on the TGC short entitled Creation Story.

Everything just sort of…followed since then, haha.

In all honesty, I haven’t really plotted Equi that well. I’ve got a skeletal plot of what happened to Crea, the Gods and the Guardians. I’ve got a more detailed plot of Marguerite Russet and Skylar Viridia’s histroy. I have the onset of a conflict – but really, I think it needs to be developed more.

Equilibriai is a project which I really wish to pursue and develop this year. I’ve progressed a lot, in fairness – which is hella good. The first stage – making dozens of versions and then revising – is already over. ^_^

I sincerely do hope that I’ll be able to debut Equilibriai on here and share it with you guys. It’s something I definitely don’t want to lose; something I don’t intend to let go. There are still a whole bunch of characters to be discovered, and hey – we’ve barely scratched the surface amongst a number of plot points such as where Crea went and what exactly happened to Ammon/Ventus in the Extraction. *winkwinks*

Alas, that is for another day, another post, another time.

I hope that you guys enjoyed the last Conceptualization post for the TGC! It’s been an amazing time, sharing with all of you how my projects build up and blossom in my head. :D

I’ll be posting the last post for Equi Week tomorrow. And after that, it’s time for the Wildcard Week.

Until we see each other again. Have an amazing weekend. <3

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