Saturday, April 11, 2015

Russie Babbles: Hysteria [Conceptualization]

Good afternoon, Darlings!

Yup – you’ve guessed it. Welcome to this week’s Conceptualization post, where I’ll be talking about the origins and such about Hysteria. I’m a little worried that this week’s Conceptualization post won’t be as long as the past two due to the fact that Hysteria wasn’t really a lengthy project. 

Amidst that, hopefully I’ll be able to share just as much. The read more link is right there if you’d like to explore with me!

Hysteria was something I came up with in my third year of high school. At the time, I was still attached to the APH fandom. After countless shorts and such about the APH characters which usually got sent to Rothie, I finally sat down and began to think of a possible plot I could work with. 

After days – or weeks – I came up with a very loose skeleton plot and decided to work from there. 

My base plot for Hysteria is simple. There are two realms, Earth and Hetar. In both words, there are two ‘teams’ going against each other for various reasons.  As the battle keeps going in both realms, however, something strange happens. People are Switched – one Earthly soul ends up in Hetar and vice-versa. In order to find out what exactly is happening, those two teams have to put their differences aside and work towards the preservation of their own realm. 

Yes – if you would notice, Hetar is just a ‘scattered’ version of the word Earth. This is enough to give the reader – you guys – an idea that in a way, both realms are very much connected with one another. And they are. 

The original Hysteria focused on both teams. The Earth’s version of Teams X and L, and Hetar’s version of Teams X and L. At the same time, a sideplot concerning the Guardians of the Earthly Teams was in development. 

So as you can tell, there are a lot of plots going on – too many to the point that it could be even considered confusing. 

While reworking Hysteria for this week, I decided to forgo the presence of those Guardians. The Guardians are actually the teachers present in Sacrum Cor; in particular, the Fourth Year teachers of the Earthly Teams. The Guardians’ plot in the original Hysteria focused on them trying to keep the Teams’ powers at bay. At the same time, I was developing the relationship of two characters – to be specific, the characters of Richard and Sylvia. 

(Special mention to the R/S shippers – Rothie, Kloe and Maris!) 

If you guys would go to the 2013 era of my blog, you’d eventually come across a R/S short which I decided to write. 

To help you guys understand Hysteria more, I’ll try my best to explain how things went in there. 

Earth and Hetar are connected to each other. There are no physical signs, but as seen in title of T/V short, Theo Wyatt mentions that Zelda had to pass through a Gate in order to reach Hetar. That certain Gate is what helps connect Earth and Hetar to one another. 

With that connection comes the connection of Earth and Hetar’s inhabitants.

Yes – it can be assumed that Hetar is the Alternate Universe of Earth. 

Present in the shorts posted throughout the week were the eight main characters of Earth, plus the main characters of Hetar. Theo Wyatt is a very special case. 

Verena Herman
Amalia Wagner
Alessia Moretti
Felicita Giordano
Ritsuko Kei
Sakura Mori
Lizbeth Chase
Victoria Clark
Radelle Crise
Charlotte Leroy
Nova Howard
Amy Washington
Ling Xun
Yin Song
Kira Volkov
Lena Kozlov

** dark grey = Team X; light grey = Team L

In the original Hysteria, Theo Wyatt went by the character of Mathieu, someone who only appeared in the first chapter. Mathieu was merely a friend of Verena’s, but he had no participation in the actual plot. 

From Mathieu’s character came Theo Wyatt – nicknamed as the Eyes in Team X, but more known as the Guardian of the Gate. Theo’s a special case – I don’t want to reveal how (I mean, I’ve gotta keep a few tricks haha), but I’m sure a couple of you guys can figure it out~

Additionally, Theo was supposed to be a ‘neutral’ character. In APH terms, he was supposed to be Switzerland. However, I liked the dynamic between him and Verena, and decided to move him to Team X. 

Going back to the APH-influence for a bit, the Hetar-counterparts were actually the Nyotalia (or genderbent) versions of Hetalia’s MCs. With careful consideration (and help from Rothie back then), I assigned a Nyotalia counterpart to each of the Earthly MCs…who are based on my friends. *laughs* 

Sadly, all stories come to an end – and this one did. Hysteria was able to live for a few months until I lost interest. This was mostly because my interest in the APH-verse was waning and because Junior year was taking its toll on me. =_=
While Eternal Flame and the Royal Flush are two projects I’m interested in reviving, I don’t think I’ll be interested in bringing back Hysteria any time soon. Although I really like where I went with the improved Hysteria, the plot, sadly, is too lacking for me to continue. 

Perhaps in the future, when I’m looking for another project to do, I may bring it back to the blog and hopefully make it even better~

That’s all for this week’s Conceptualization post, lovelies! I won’t be posting tomorrow (Sunday) because I’ll be planning out how I’ll accomplish the wildcard week + I’ll be taking a break. I don’t exactly want to end up burnt out for the fourth week – which will feature my newest project. ^_^

Until Monday, my loves! <3 I’ll see you very soon. 

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