Monday, April 13, 2015

Reunion: An Equilibriai Short

The Nexus
xxxx, H.E.

“You’ll do just fine there, Skye.”

Skylar Viridia said nothing as she kept reading. Harlene Virdia, her older sister, gave a sigh and left the other, moving towards the other students who were kept in conversation. Happier that Harlene stopped, Skylar set the book onto her lap and glanced at the others around her.

Unlike Harlene, who would be taking her nth year at the Academy, this was Skylar’s first. After much convincing, her parents relented and let her, provided that Harlene keep a watchful gaze on her throughout her stay. This was to be expected especially after an incident which nearly took away her ability to manifest her Gear.

L’accademia. A special institution which taught potential students on how they could properly manifest and wield their respective Gear or Armor. Students normally took up to four years, but those who wished to learn more were offered to stay for an additional two years. Usually, after completing the four to six years, most Gear-users became warriors. Those who had Armors usually crossed over to the medical fields, working hand-in-hand with the warriors and the different military branches present in Lagom.

After coming from a family of Gear-users, it was expected that Syklar would hone such skills. However, after what had happened to her a few years before, her family grew hesitant.

It took Harlene enough convincing until they let Skylar come.

Skylar’s green eyes looked back at the page. The Nexus, it read, home to the renowned L’accademia, which has trained millions for over a hundred years. The Nexus is said to be located at the most strategic – and possibly spritual – location. I It lies in the very center of the world with Susurrus at north, Silvicultrix at south, Elan at west and Abluvion at east. The location of the Nexus is said to harness the powers of all four gods at equal rates. With this, it is believed that said powers are able to make the students of this academy even stronger, aiding them at all times.

Below the paragraph was an image of the world – Lagom. Colored in were the mentioned regions. Skylar found herself idly tracing her home region, Elan, with the tip of her finger, nostalgically remembering how it felt like to be home.

The blonde shook it off, flipping the page. Mentioned there were profiles of the gods which the people of Lagom, including herself, believed in. Portrayed there were the gods’ alleged biodata until their role in mythology, as well as depictions of them throughout the years.

The Original Two: Noctis and Lumen
The Guardians: Ventus, Unda, Calor and Amina
The Beginning: Crea

Other mythological creatures were also mentioned. Skylar noticed that the section containing Crea’s information had the least amount of pages.

“They teach that in your year,” Harlene suddenly spoke. Skylar looked up, spotting her elder sister there with her arms folded over her chest. “It’s nice that you’re reading up early.”

“I have no choice,” Skylar replied. Her green eyes looked around her and she sunk further into the chair, “I barely know anyone.”

“Althea will be there,” Harlene reminded. Skylar remembered her golden-eyed friend. “She’ll be the one to greet you, remember?”

“I do. You can talk to your friends if you wish.” Skylar closed her eyes and the book as well, “I’m just going to rest.”

“Are you sure?”

Skylar said nothing and Harlene left once again.

* * * * *

“The other batch of students are coming,” a blue-eyed girl sang. Her friend said nothing as she watched the sky. “Aren’t you excited to meet the others?”

“You can say that, Alexandra.” Xandra Liberati made a face at her friend, reaching out to ruffle the other’s short brown hair. “Stop it.”

“You need to lighten up, Princeton.”

“This is the brightest you will get,” Margaux Princeton replied dryly. Xandra chuckled and sat down on the academy’s marble steps, yawning as she checked the sky-blue tablet she had chosen a number of days before. “What does it say?”

“A few more minutes, give or take. That and beautiful skies,” Xandra confirmed. She ran a few fingers through her hair and smiled in excitement, “Who do you think you’ll end up with for classes?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. They stick the Gear-users together in most,” Margaux sighed. Xandra blinked, fumbling for her own pendant which hung off a bracelet on her wrist. “Electives get the mix.”

“Should be fun,” Xandra mused.

“Of course it is.”

“Don’t rain on my parade, Princeton. Let me absorb all of this – after all, I’m the first in the family to even go here,” Xandra lamented. Margaux stayed silent. “Rheena is following in two years; I have to show her all the hard work she needs to put in just to get here.”

“Sister not ambitious enough?”

“She’s a brat,” Xandra deadpanned. This made Margaux chuckle faintly, the pair staying in silence. Margaux’s tangerine eyes watched as a number of students came out as well. “Think they’re here to watch the arrival?”

“Possibly.” A girl with curly black hair made Margaux blink as she pushed her way past the crowd. “Some siblings greet their younger siblings upon arrival. Most especially if they’re fresh meat just like us.”

“Should be interesting.” Within minutes, a voice came from the speakers to officially clear the runway. Excited murmurs burst all around them and Xandra stood on her toes, trying to spot where the aircraft would come from.

“Do you see it?”

“I can’t.”

“Neither can I – wait, I think that’s it!” Xandra cried, pointing at what appeared to be a speck in the sky. Margaux, unbelieving, tried to locate it herself.

At first, she wanted to slap Xandra over the head for mistaking a flying insect for aircraft. However, as the seconds ticked longer, Margaux gaped as the object became larger and larger. She recognized the insignia of the school on the aircraft’s door, bright as it could be.

“They’re here!”

The aircraft landed perfectly and older students suddenly rushed forward to meet their (probably) anxious siblings. Among them was the curly-haired girl Margaux had stared at. Staying in place, Xandra’s blue eyes were wide with elation. “This is chaos,” she commented happily, yet not even Margaux could hear as the doors opened and students started to come out with their bags.

Xandra craned her neck. “Oh – aren’t those the famous twins from Silvicultrix, Princeton? The ones famous for their skill in – wait, there’s a few older students in there, too.”

“Accompanied their younger siblings, maybe?”

“Yeah,” Xandra whispered. “A few of them are coming – let’s not block their way.” Xandra took Margaux’s wrist and they moved back, Margaux watching and observing the faces on the new students’ faces.

Most had a mixture of excitement and fear; others looked apprehensive. Xandra waved and chatted with a few older ones as they passed, leaving Margaux to scan the crowd and take note of the faces she saw.

She saw the twins Xandra had mentioned, noting that both of them had beautiful dark skin and heads of thick black hair. They seemed unfazed, hands linked together as they navigated through the thick crowd.

Again did the curly-haired lady appear with someone at her side. The former was laughing, and the latter had a face which Margaux couldn’t see.

In fact, the only thing that Margaux noticed from the friend was a head full of blonde hair.



In a flash, the blonde female had disappeared.

Margaux stood there gaping until Xandra returned and pulled her back inside.

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