Friday, January 1, 2016

Launching: Coalesce

Good evening, Darlings! It's finally happening! :'D

"Finally! That took a such a long time-"
Well Darlings, I guess this is finally it. Welcome to January 2016, otherwise known as Coalesce's official launch month. In lieu of celebrating my eighteenth birthday with another week/monthlong celebration, I decided to instead celebrate it through launching my newest project.

You may be wondering what exactly this Coalesce is, especially having seen shorts and graphics about it these past months. If you click the Read More down there, I'll happily explain what it's about and why I decided to put up a launch for it! It's a pretty long explanation and there's a lot of text colors, so hold on tight. 

A little backstory before we begin, yeah? I think it's needed in order to understand the whole history of Coalesce (I guess) and why I'm giving it such a huge deal.

See, I've been writing for the Death Note fandom since I was in grade school, pretty much. I actually got into it through role-playing (RPing) for the fandom. Unlike most role-players (RPer) who would go off and RP main characters such as Light, L, Mello, etcetera, I decided to RP as a character I had made on the spot. Completely out of it and probably panicky since I didn't have a name for her, I decided on the spot that she would be named Arianne Maxwell.

"Yes, hello. That"
Sparing you all from my embarrassing years as a rookie RPer, here's the long story made short: I eventually grew out of role-playing online and instead decided to make these stories my own. 

For years I've been making this little AU for myself, building upon it and all. I started to draw away from the canon characters except for Mail and Touta, and started making even more of my own. In the past two years, I've introduced Samuel Peters, Mack Thomas, Jian Lee, and Noriko Inoue.

However, in 2015...there were a couple of factors which got me rethinking this whole AU that I've devoted myself to for years. First would have been Rothie's revamp of the Mirage series (previously known as The Shoujo Parallels). Another would be the sudden writer-blogger-existential-crisis which I had over the long summer. I had noticed that my DNAU shorts were starting to look more like fillers and less like actual shorts, which really bummed me out. After a period of time, I finally decided that it was time for things to step up, and that it was time for me to do something which I hadn't done before. 

I personally felt that it was coming, but didn't really want to embrace it because of my long attachment to the DNAU. However, I knew that I had to change and that I had to start creating something new for the betterment of my OCs, the betterment of the project, and for my own as a writer. It took an incredibly long time thinking, renewing, and changing, but I was able to finally finalize things by last month. 

(Also: those Coalesce shorts which have been there since September? They're pretty much headcanon. You'll see why as the celebration progresses. ;D They're pretty much experimental pieces.)

That's pretty much how the Coalesce project came to be. Most of you guys know it as the DNAU, but now I'm completely making it my own and scrapping away the Death Note aspect completely. 

Now, you're probably thinking: what has changed, plot-wise, character-wise, etcetera? 

That's pretty much what the launch is for, actually! The launch is a way for you guys to get to know the nine (yes, nice) MCs, their stories, and the changes which have occurred. From January 3 until 29, you'll get to know them through the shorts, graphics, and whatnot. January 30 and 31 will be spent as a culmination of the Coalesce project as a whole, with those nine coming together as one whole unit. I'll spend January 2 finalizing the posts and making sure that they're good to go. 

I am incredibly excited for you guys to see this new baby of mine - it's been in the works for five, six years and after that long span of time, it's finally becoming its' own project. I'm a little nervous for how it's going to go and how it's going to be received, so it would be amazing if you could support me throughout the entire thing. :D 

"She's been looking forward to this since last year."
That's it for now! 

Again, posting will officially begin on the third of January. I won't spoil the character order or what the content of the posts will be, so it's going to be up to you to see it for yourself. ;D On behalf of my nine children (*sobs*), I want to thank you all as early as now for sticking around and for checking this project of mine out. ^_^ We sincerely hope that you'll enjoy the project and the's going to be a long one. 

See you on the third, Darlings! <3 

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