Thursday, January 7, 2016

Offering: A Coalesce Short

Mathieu’s Apartment
San Francisco, CA
United States of America
February 2012

“So, you mind telling me how you got banged up like that?”

“Jesus Christ…it’s a long story,” Kang Jin-ho groaned. He held the ice pack to his head and looked at the man who had saved him, who was currently making a drink for both of them. “Thank you, by the way. Never got to know your name after staying here and borrowing your ice pack.”

From the counter, the man gave a small chuckle. Jin-ho estimated that this guy was in his early twenties, despite what seemed to be his large frame initially. Then again, there was a chance that he was slightly concussed and the dark never really did do favors for anybody. “Mathieu Silvestre. Just call me Mathieu. And yours?”

“Kang Jin-ho. Though I doubt the name’s familiar,” he added the last part as an afterthought and cringed as the icepack hit a relatively sore spot. “Fuck.”

“Still aching?”

“Unfortunately.” Jin-ho glanced as Mathieu approached them both with what appeared to be two cups of tea, and the redheaded male pushed the steaming cup towards him. “Tea?”

“It’s what helps me,” Mathieu shrugged as he lifted the cup to his lips. He paused before speaking, “Unless alcohol is more your style?”

“It is on most days.” Jin-ho set down the icepack before taking the tea, “But this seems to work as much.”

While drinking, Jin-ho explained what he was doing there.

“Came from an event, decided to walk back to the hotel because why not. Though I probably should have called someone to pick me up,” he admitted. Mathieu gave a short nod as he drank, listening. “I was walking down the road. Could remember my way back, honestly.”

“And then you were mugged.”

Nearly,” Jin-ho interrupted. “Nearly mugged. The assholes came up from behind. One of them hit me with something hard. I fell. They got the coat off and started to run, and then you arrived with your ninja skills,” Jin-ho raised a brow and Mathieu couldn’t help but grin at that, “And here we are.”

“You need to get back to your hotel.”

“Yeah. Before they start freaking out,” Jin-ho sighed. Mathieu gave a curious look.


“Guards,” he replied offhandedly, getting the phone from the pocket of his pants. Yet another curious look from Mathieu, and Jin-ho started dialing a number quickly before talking. “Hi Tony, just letting you know I’m alive,” he greeted cheerfully. There was yelling from the other side and Mathieu jumped, though Jin-ho maintained the cheerful look on his face. “Yes, I’m alive and that’s what counts. Something happened on my way back, but luckily a nice man helped out and now I’m at his apartment.”

Jin-ho listened and hummed quietly before turning back to Mathieu. “Hey, is it okay if I have your address?” the man gave his address and Jin-ho repeated it back, eventually getting off the phone and grimacing this time.

“You’ll be picked up here?”

“Instead of going back there. Not sure if there are cabs around this time in the night,” Jin-ho explained, and Mathieu nodded in thought before finishing his tea. Jin-ho finished his as well, and the male picked up both and left momentarily to wash. The Korean remained seated on the couch, taking the icepack and holding it to the sore area on his head once again.

Immediately did he remember the words of Tony Howard, one of his trusted associates. The conversation happened months back, when Jin-ho had freshly acquired the family business. His father had passed, and had noted for Jin-ho to take over. When he did, Tony was there to assist him.

“This is a risky business, Jin,” Tony explained. “Even your dad needed a large amount of security a long time back.”

Jin-ho dismissed it. “I don’t need security,” he insisted. “Who’s out to get a successor, anyway? Aren’t they scheming instead to crush little daddy’s boy?” Tony managed a small smile at that but shook his head.

“The stupid ones are. The smarter ones, however…” Tony paused. “This is a dangerous road to go under. You shouldn’t be so relaxed about it. Your father had all the reason to remain cautious. Your mother, too. She wasn’t as active, but she knew that there were risks to being this powerful.”

At that, the Korean exhaled. “…so you’re saying that I need a guard.”

“Lots of them. And capable ones, too.” Another pause from Tony, “…you do know that I was one of your dad’s guard, right?”

“Yes, Tony. You have the job.” Jin-ho waved it off, but smiled despite himself. Tony couldn’t help but release a laugh as well.

“Protecting two generations of the Kang family…this is bound to be interesting.”

“You were at the business party, weren’t you?”

“I’m sorry?” Jin-ho looked at Mathieu, who was now glancing at the television.

“The business party.” Mathieu increased the volume and immediately did Jin-ho hear the narration on the screen, quickly recognizing the other faces that he had met. Ladies in red, men in suits, people with drinks, and –

Oh, shit. “There I am,” he managed, as the camera panned to a familiar-looking face smiling widely and holding a champagne glass in his hands. He noticed Mathieu staying silent and cursed quietly. Fuck, don’t tell me he’s associated with those other assholes and actually poisoned my tea. “That’s horrible champagne,” he heard himself saying. “It didn’t taste too good. I think it’s old champagne.”

“Kang Jin-ho,” Mathieu completely ignored what he said and the Korean hoped that there wasn’t a gun anywhere within ten feet where the redheaded man was. “…they mugged you because they knew who you were,” he realized.

Jin-ho grimaced. “That’s a possibility.” Mathieu turned to look in his direction, and he expected to see a murderous intent in his eyes. Goodbye, life.

“Jesus Christ, what assholes,” Mathieu then cursed.

Jin-ho blinked.


“It’s a bit stupid, you know? Mugging someone with power and all that shit.” Mathieu threw a look at him, “You can actually get them arrested and thrown into prison for that.”

The Korean was dumbfounded, so he didn’t say anything. Mathieu merely gave a sigh and changed the channel, “Lucky I was there...” the doorbell rang and Mathieu got off the couch, excusing himself to get the door. Jin-ho was still in a state of shock that he didn’t realize Tony’s voice from the door.

“There a Kang Jin-ho in here?” a deep voice asked.

“He’s right here, actually.” Mathieu swung the door open and Tony peeked inside to see that Jin-ho was right there, with an icepack to his head and still looking shocked. “Nearly mugged. You might want to get him checked out to make sure he isn’t really concussed.”

“Right, right. And you are…?”

“Mathieu Silvestre,” Jin-ho called after regaining his senses. Mathieu looked at him in surprise, “Thank you for your help and hospitality. I think Tony can take in from here, right Tony?”

“Right.” The taller man said dryly. “Come on, Jin-ho. And thank you, Mathieu.” The redhead gave a wave as Jin-ho walked outside, coat in his arms. Mathieu watched with his blue eyes as the two men got into the back of a car, and went back into his apartment, the door closing and then locking.

Inside the car, Tony was already berating Jin-ho for his carelessness. Jin-ho half-listened as they went back to the hotel, and the dark-skinned man gave his friend a look of contempt after.

“Did you even hear me, Jin?”

“Loud and clear, Tony. Anyway…” Jin-ho’s thoughts went back to the redhead who had helped save his life much earlier, “You think we can get the guy out of the shitty apartment and with us?”

“What are you…” Jin-ho gave a look and Tony couldn’t help but facepalm. “Fucking hell, Jin, get yourself mugged and the first thing you think of is recruiting the guy into the guard – what is he, nineteen?”

“Cut him some slack. He’s in his twenties.” Jin-ho hummed. “We could use him in the guard.”

“And why him…?”

“He knows his shit,” the Korean replied calmly. “Trust me.”

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