Monday, January 4, 2016

Warming Up: A Coalesce Short

Hartfield-Jackson Airport
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
August 2010

“She’s going to be there around eight thirty or nine, I’m not too sure. I heard was delayed for some time.” Eri explained to him over the phone. Tadashi nodded slowly, sitting nearby and waiting for the crowd of people to suddenly gather. “Where are you now, Sato?”

“Where the family members and friends wait for the passengers,” he replied. He could almost hear Eri rolling her eyes from the other end of the line. “Arrivals hall, Eri. Arrivals hall.”

“Okay…well, just shoot me a text when you’ve got her so that I can update the higher-ups about it. What are you planning?”

“Get her something nice to eat or some coffee if she’s a little drowsy,” Tadashi admitted. “Flying takes a toll on you. I know that well.”

“Warming up already, Sato?”

“I’m taking her under my wing. I’m going to have to be concerned for next couple of years,” he explained. Tadashi heard Eri’s laugh and shook his own head before the woman ended the call. He pocketed his phone and glanced around before checking his watch, sighing to himself.

It would be some time before the new girl would arrive.

Nearly half an hour and a few rounds of games later, Tadashi noticed that a number of people were starting to crowd. Rising, he walked towards the area and started to see people coming out, looking varying degrees of tired as they brought their luggage with them. Around him, a number were raising signs. Digging into his coat pocket, he took out a sheet of paper and raised it, hoping that the girl would see it.

Minutes passed and his arm started to cramp, but he saw her immediately. All thoughts of distancing himself from her in hopes of maintaining his loner-like attitude were thrown out of the window.

Fuck, I’ve got to help her, he thought. Without thinking, he waved the paper more and called out her name.

“Ms. Aether!”

The girl looked up, startled, and spotted him. She stared for a few moments before rushing, cheeks turning redder and redder. Tadashi moved to greet her and before they knew it, they were in front of each other. He still had the paper in his hands and she was there with much luggage, her smaller form a little shaky. “H-Hi,” she squeaked.

“Do you need help?” he gestured to the two pieces of luggage that she had, and noticed that she had a carry-on as well. She gave a short nod and he took one, wheeling it to his side before flashing a smile.

A warm smile that hadn’t been there for sometime. It surprised both of them.

“Tadashi. Tadashi Sato, but you can call me Tadashi.” He extended a hand and she shook before letting go. “And you’re Aether Maxwell?”

“That’s me.” she shifted awkwardly before blurting out, “You’re the one from headquarters?” Tadashi nodded before taking the handle of her luggage.

“Yes, but that part comes later. Now,” another smile from him, “I’m sure you’re hungry or at least parched from that flight. How about something to eat before we go to the apartment?”

A quick walk later, they were sitting down and taking sips from their coffees. Tadashi watched her as she drank and consumed a light meal, and he soon texted Eri updating her on what they were doing. Eri merely replied that he keep her company throughout, and he soon went back to watching her.

Aether, he thought. Aether Maxwell. What’s a girl like her doing in Atlanta, leaving home to attend college here and eventually be trained for HQ? Eri never told me her full backstory.

“Sorry – Aether?” she peeked up at him and swallowed her food, “Forgive me for…intruding,” he said carefully. “But I wasn’t made aware of your background in England.”

“…which parts, specifically?”

“How you were recommended for HQ,” he replied. Tadashi noticed a quick look of relief in her eyes before she started talking.

“The owner of the place where I stayed has multiple connections all over the globe. He determined that I was best suited for HQ after graduating.” Aether explained. She unconsciously ran her fingers over her own hands, “I was given a choice. But he highly recommended HQ for me…so I decided to take it.”

Tadashi nodded. On the inside, he felt like there was much more than what met the eye. On the outside, Aether seemed like a totally normal girl: a young adult with dark hair, green eyes, and a slim figure. She had faint bags under her eyes, eyeliner lightly smudged from sleeping during the flight. Her skin was a tinge paler, most likely from the discomfort she had felt for the previous nine to ten hours while flying.

Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?

“Mr. Sato?”

“Tadashi, please. That makes me feel old,” he joked. Aether gave a hint of a smile.

“Tadashi...alright. You said that we’ll be going to the apartment after this?” he nodded. It was coming. The big old reveal. Might as well pull off the bandage and say it before there would be any violent reactions from her, if ever.

“We will. And if you haven’t been told yet,” he hesitated but decided fuck it, “I’m actually living a floor or two above you. Just to make sure you’re doing well and managing throughout your new life here.”

She blinked once, twice. He waited for the outburst.

Surprisingly, there was none. Again came that look of relief in her eyes and he found his mind asking why she looked so relieved that a stranger would be there to make sure that she was still alive. Caught up in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the words that had slipped from her lips.

“I’m glad.”

Eventually they finished their short meal, Tadashi paying (and she insisting that she pay back; he rejected her attempts and promises) and both of them making their way to his car. He transferred the luggage to the back with ease, ask that she make herself comfortable in the seat, and eventually got inside.

As he started the car and reversed out of the airport parking, he could already see from the corner of her eye that she was gaping at the sight. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself quietly. “It’s different from back home,” she murmured, and he almost missed it.

“It’s much different here,” Tadashi told her, keeping his eyes on the road. “You’ll eventually see why and see how.” Aether, from her side, nodded slowly and kept her eyes on the road, hands barely touching her phone. He gave it a short glance.

We’re going to have to get you some new belongings, he found himself thinking. The man then found himself blinking as well. Wait – what?

Maybe she’s right, he thought. They stopped at a red light and he couldn’t help but look at the younger girl, watch how her gaze was glued to the window and watch how she was amazed by the whole new experience. Maybe I am warming up to her already.

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