Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reunion: A Coalesce Short

Hartfield-Jackson Airport
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
March 2015

“This can be considered our first major investigation,” Tadashi explained. Aether and Peters looked up at him, curious, “Seeing as we’re actually going to another state to help out with the NYPD.” 

“This is great,” Peters leans back and stretches. “I’ll be showing you two how to get around New York. I think you’ll like Bronx. It’s got a lot to explore,” he shared. Tadashi gave a smile and Aether merely listened as the American shared about his home state. “How long are we staying, Tad?”

“For as long as we need, but HQ wants us to be back in two weeks.” he replied. “We’ll be meeting the officer they sent once we arrive. He’ll be the one to bring us to the hotel, where we can rest for the night. Tomorrow, we begin.”

Aether glanced up from the folder in her hands. “Is there someone we should look out for once we get there?” 

Tadashi shook his head. “No definite officer, but we’ll know them when we see them.” At that moment, a voice on the speakers asked for the passengers to get ready, and the man stood up, swinging his carry-on over his shoulder. “That’s the call. Come on, you two. Let’s get ready.”

Inside the plane, the three of them were in varying moods. Tadashi was idly reading a magazine while waiting for the flight to begin, Peters was looking at his phone, and Aether was scribbling something in her notebook. Peters gave her a curious expression. 

“What are you writing?”

“Just wondering what the case is about. Based on the folder Tadashi had, it’s something about a murder.” 

“As usual.” Peters sighed and looked back at his phone, “Almost all crimes these days are murder.” Aether snorted and started writing again, and the two fell silent. Tadashi merely continued reading his magazine; when Peters looked at him, he saw that he was comfortably wearing earphones. He could hear faint traces of Japanese rock and some rapping in the side. 

“Are you excited?”

“Excited?” Peters looked back at the dark-haired woman, who nodded. 

“Excited. You’re sort of going back home for this investigation,” she explained. “Now that I think of it…the hotel we’re staying in isn’t too far. You said your parents still lived in Bronx?”

The brunette sighed quietly. “Yeah. They’re back home. Jake also lives in New York, but I think he moved with his wife, too. 

“When was the last time you saw them?”

“Twenty questions, Aether?” he teased. She rolled her green eyes and he nudged her shoulder playfully. “First time you’re interested in my background.”

“I’ve told you about mine before.” Peters remembered that. “It’s only right that you tell me yours, you know.”

“You don’t say that about Tad — ow,” the male hissed. Aether dug her elbow into his rib area, and was giving him a look. Shut up, her eyes told him. Both of them peeked at Tadashi, who remained knowing nothing about their current conversation. 

“He keeps his under wraps for a reason,” she muttered. “And we should respect that. Anyway. Answer my question.”

Peters couldn’t help but lift a hand and run a few fingers through his hair, exhaling at the same time. 

“…it’s been a while, Aether. A very long while.” She gave a careful nod and looked back at her notebook, starting to write again. 

He wasn’t sure if it was the tone of his voice which made her end the conversation so suddenly, but he was thankful that she chose to do such. The last thing he wanted to do was to think of the family he had left behind back in Bronx. Sighing yet again, Peters leaned his head against the headrest and proceeded to close his eyes. 

Roughly two hours passed. For the duration of the flight, the three of them entertained themselves in different ways. Tadashi had his tablet, Peters slept, and Aether had chosen to read a book she brought in her carry-on. In the middle of the flight, Tadashi carefully reached over and tapped Aether on the shoulder. She blinked and looked at him, and Tadashi made a motion that implied she lower her voice. 

“What is it?”

“Do you think Peters wants to visit his family if we have the time?”

Aether made a face. “I was trying to imply that, T. I was hoping we could meet the rest of the family, make this trip less…” she trailed off and he understood what she meant. Clearing her throat, she added hastily, “Anyway, he didn’t really seem into the idea. He looked really distant. Do you know why?” Tadashi shook his head. 

“It can’t hurt to try.” 

Finally, the plane landed. The three of them had just collected their baggage and were walking, Aether looking around curiously. Peters grinned at the sight of her taking it in. “Amazed, A?”

“It’s different from the one in England and Atlanta,” she muttered. Peters gave a hum as he glanced around, taking it in. 

“This is the same airport I was in before flying to Atlanta,” he recalled. Tadashi and Aether gave each other a look. “LaGuardia. You could get a lot of shit in Terminal B, if I remember right. That is, if both of you are hungry.”

“No need,” Tadashi interjected. “We’ll be eating soon. We just need to get to the arrivals hall, and we’ll be good.” Peters nodded and merely continued walking, pulling his luggage along. The two other members exchanged yet another look before continuing on. 

It took a couple of minutes until they got to the arrivals hall; they were joined by various other people as well. Peters craned his neck and looked for the familiar uniform or a signage with their names (or Tadashi’s name, at least) until Tadashi called him over. Peters struggled to make his way to them, pulling his luggage out of the crowd who had suddenly grown in number. 

“Hi — sorry, luggage almost got washed away in that crowed,” Peters apologised. He didn’t notice the shocked look in Aether’s eyes nor did he see the look on Tadashi’s face. But before he knew it, he was wrapped in a tight, warm hug and someone was talking in his ear and what the fuck was going on— 

“Sammy.” A deep voice. A familiar deep voice. Peters’ blue eyes widened and he was unable to hug back. The hug ended (too quickly for his taste) and standing before him was a man a few inches shorter, hair greying and wearing a familiar uniform. Peters could almost make out the stain that never got out near the man’s shoulder area. “Sammy, my boy…” 

Peters remained in shock, mouth slightly open as the man gave yet another tight, familiar embrace. Watching, Tadashi and Aether merely stayed quiet, Aether eyeing the scene before her with an unrecognizable emotion in her eyes. 

After what felt like ages, Peters managed to speak.


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