Saturday, September 1, 2012

Luxuria, Superbia.

we all have them.
even the fictional ones.

C A S E  # 1 : P E T E R S , S A M U E L

Most Committed: Lust

Samuel is a man of various needs, and this includes his desires for intimacy. He lost his virginity in high school (his third year), swiped away various girlfriends, and seduced others for his own wants. Called a womanizer by many, he can only laugh at the term and prefers being called a flirt. A flirt is what he is. People would catch him hanging inside bars, chatting up with ladies he'd find attractive. A drink here and there as well as coaxing, and he'd be taking her home for the night. Undeniably, Samuel has his own cravings. Only, it seems to have gone up a few notches in his life so far.

None of that changed upon moving to Tokyo. His dashing good looks helps a lot, as well as his charm and smooth talking that's a hit to the ladies. There are the lucky ones that are able to see past this face, but the others are just in it for the cash and the one night stand. 

Samuel prefers the quick relations over a long-term relationship. Previous ones have ended badly, and wanting to prevent another broken heart, he shuts all feelings out and just spends his time bedding someone else. However, he wouldn't go as far as to assault a woman. He has his morals and knows when someone is truly uncomfortable with his scheming antics. At that, he would smile, apologize, and stop as well as leave. Fortunately for him, this doesn't seem to happen often. 

Quick Seconds: Envy, Pride
Least Committed: Gluttony, Greed

C A S E #2 : M A X W E L L , A R I A N N E

Most Committed: Pride

She took the vice early in her childhood, putting a lot of effort into her piano skills most especially. Being on the Top Ten List at the orphanage could do a lot to a person, and for Arianne, it was having her ego expand even more than it should have. She held the talent with a haughty look on her face, silently criticizing others who attempted to play. Though she lost memory of her skills at thirteen, her intelligence carried on, and she focused her pride on that instead. This caused her to be quite the loner at the local high school, most students thinking she was an arrogant lady with much more to learn. That was the cold truth. 

Aside from talent and intellect, she has a high regard for her own looks. She spends most of her earnings on clothes and make up, also taking her time tending to her appearance on the outside. She can't help but dislike herself if she doesn't have a smudge of make up on her face. Also, if she were to spit out an insult impromptu, it would mostly be about the appearance of the other person. 

She's proud of herself, but her ego can be a little too inflated. Arianne tends to visit the past way too often, and as wrong as it sounds, puts a lot of pressure onto her own background and history to receive pity from another. She herself doesn't realize that she's doing that, but it can be terribly obvious if she were doing it to someone she knew well. 

Quick Seconds: Wrath, Envy
Least Committed: Sloth, Gluttony

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