Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's Not Lit, For Once!

Hola to my awesome readers out there who frequently read this! It's currently 9:40 as I type this thing, and I'd like to greet you all a pleasant evening, morning, or afternoon. I don't know why I'm making this kind of post, exactly - to be honest, I can't think of what to post on this windy September first. Aside from the fact that Christmas is well on it's way and that the ber months are finally here, nothing is really popping into my head, you know?

For those who are wondering that Lit (in reference to my title) is, it's a shorthand version of Literature. Though most of you probably know that by now...yes, not a Lit post tonight. My ideas are coming rather shorthanded unfortunately, and it sucks. 

So um, this weekend is just filled with homework (just two) and resting, as well as Pewdiepie and writing. Add the Ateneo vs. La Salle game a while ago. I'll work on the homework tomorrow morning because I really do love procrastinating the morning is the best time for studies and such. Well, that's what my dad says. 

I plan to make a Seven Deadly Sins post for my two characters (A and Peters) and I shall get to that soon. Aside from that, I plan to post Chapter One of Royal Flush, a Hetalia + OC fic I've started last month. I haven't written the sixth chapter yet, but I'll get to that soon, as well! This is another project I really hope I'll complete. Laziness and writer's block just gets the best of me. 

My best friend Kloe and I had a Skype session, and it was fun. Here's a picture:

Yes guys, that's my best friend right there, and my derpy face below right. 
Anyway, that's it so far! I'll be working on that Seven Deadly Sins post now.

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