Saturday, September 8, 2012

List of Projects

the list of numerous projects

Royal Flush

>> Four girls mysteriously find themselves in a land flipped around, a world unlike their own. The world calls itself Cardverse and are reigned by four Kings of four different Kingdoms around the foreign land. Slowly immersing themselves within the separate places, these four girls soon find out that Cardverse isn't the type of land they saw in their childhood tales. With so much at stake and a looming Royal Flush conducted by a fearsome man, can they unravel the mystery and truth of the land, and find their way home as well?

>> Cardverse!Hetalia + OC FanFiction. 

>> Currently having trouble with chapter six, but there is no planned hiatus.

Cross Dimension

>> There are two worlds that exist, perfectly balanced on a string that connects us all. Earth has a counterpart named Hetar, and its' inhabitants have their own connections as well, but not as strong as the connections of a group of girls divided by their past mistakes. Said strings are invisible to the naked eye and are only said to grow stronger at a coincidental emotional and mental connection. One day, the string connecting the worlds starts to unravel slowly, and people from these worlds are interchanged, swapping one with the other. Only this certain group from Earth can find out - only, can they put away their differences and come together as one?

>> AU!Nyotalia + OC Fanfiction.

>> In the process of planning. 


>> A murder with three suspects, clues that don't lead to one another. This is another case A can't seem to solve. With her head wrapped around it so tightly, she seems to be forgetting the other obligations around her as well. Additional pressure from her boyfriend doesn't seem to bring good news, too. Can she balance work and love, and solve the case at the same time? 

>> Death Note AU + OC Fanfiction. 

>> Currently writing. 

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