Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FanFiction Writing Meme!

Taken from livejournal. :) 

1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? 

Hello! My name is Arianne Maxine. Currently, I am fourteen years of age and I've been writing since third or fourth grade, actually. At the moment, I'm writing for the Death Note fandom but focusing on my two characters for that particular universe. Fun Fact: I prefer writing on the PC/laptop rather than on paper with a pencil or a pen. 

2. And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? 

Well, I started reading FanFictions over at when I was just eight, and was deeply head over heels over the anime Pokemon, hahaha. It started from there, and I was inspired to make my own stories at a young age. So, I grabbed an old notebook and pencil, and just let loose. 

3. What kind of fanfiction do you like to write? 

Admittedly, I'm not so good with putting canon characters at the center of my writing. I'm more comfortable with placing my own characters into the story, so there's an answer. If you mean by genre, I'm really into writing romances and action. Then again, there are short stories...and novels/novellas. 

4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? 

At the moment, I'm sticking to at least one or two pairings from the same fandom. It takes me a lot to get into certain fandoms, and at the moment, I'm a Death Note fanatic and a Hetalia fanatic as well, though Death Note is something I've been a fan of for a longer time. 

5. What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? 

Judging from my abandoned old FanFiction account, I'm guessing it has to be Power Within. It was my very first "official" FanFiction, based on the Pokeverse when I was just a kid at that time. Long story made short, it had eight characters (Ash, Misty, May, Drew, Paul, Dawn, Brock, and Rose [OC]) blessed with elemental powers, lightning, water, fire, earth, steel, ice, rock, and air, respectively. All in all, they had to retrieve eight stones from each land they were entrusted to go to, as well as beat three witches. 

I stopped the story at some point because I simply lost the muse to go on. But, it was a good plot nonetheless. I might redo the story and maybe switch it from normal Pokeverse to AU Pokeverse, but who knows?

6. Forget other people...what is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of? 

Sad to say that there is no completed work that I am currently proud of. However, there is one that I am writing at the moment, and it is sailing smoothly. You may know it as Iva. I've posted quite a few about it, and I'm delighted at the fact that I've plotted it. All I need is the dedication to write it. 

7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing? 

It's hard. Other people think that grasping a pen and noting down words seems to be the easiest part, but it's not. There are words and synonyms and verbs to think of, backgrounds to describe and characters to portray. Writing is not simply pen and paper. It dwells from imagination, it dwells from the furthermost corners of our minds as well as our own experiences. 

The difficult parts, I have to say, is merely continuing it. I have a lot of files in my USB that I have yet to finish.

8. Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character. 

I'll write an excerpt, drabble or so, thanks! 

As she breathed slowly, resting on the soft mattress, Arianne could feel his fingers trailing up her body, up her spine, tickling the fair skin that was pressed against his fingertips. A shiver ran throughout her, goosebumps giving her arms a rough texture. Hushed breaths left her lips as she stirred, the remains of her dream slowly fading away.  The colors faded, turning the scenery a monotonic gradient. The actions of the people in her dream slowed down, as well as the words they had spoken. Her dreams faded away, and her mind pushed itself to wake. 

She could hear the faintest voice from her ears. A deep, husky voice that held a delicious accent she wanted to take in for herself. Arianne trembled in her sleep at the thought of his voice, mixed with an alluring English accent she herself had, though not as prominent to his. She wanted him to herself, and she wanted no one else to even spare a glance at her ginger-haired, blue-eyed lover. 

As her eyes slowly opened, her cheeks flushed at the sight of him on top of her. 

"Good morning," he whispered. A hand trailed away from her back and up her side. 

"Guten morgen..." her green eyes shone in the soft sunlight. "...mein liebe." 

9. Are there any fanfiction trends/cliches that you're sick of?

I'm sick of hero always saving the damsel. 
Also, I'm quite sick of boy-and-girl-hate-each-other-and-fall-in-love.

10. Are you guilty of any of these? Or have you committed other crimes?

 Not so. I tend to avoid writing things I dislike. 

11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you continue to like/participate in it? 

The first one I wrote for, as mentioned, was Pokemon. I grew out of it in fifth grade, so I don't really write for it anymore unless someone wants me to. 

12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write. 

I'll be writing for pairings~

Mail Jeevas and Arianne Maxwell

They started off as a playful writing collaboration between a good friend and I, and then I started to ship them so bad. They give me a lot of heartaches and diabetes. The good diabetes. I mean, they're just so addicting to write for. Both of them are perfect for each other, be still my heart...don't give me that look. 

Samuel Peters and Jean Onix 

Now, Jean is a character of that friend of mine who I shall call Yumi. I take no credit in this amazing, well-thought of character, and just borrow her when needed. Anyway, Peters and Jean (Jinx) are another collaboration between Yumi and I. They have so much chemistry with each other, and I just bang my head on the wall whenever Samuel, my character, is reduced to a pile of mush because of her. He's a sweetie on the inside. 

13. What would you call your writing "style"? 

According to this nifty website, it says I write like Stephen King. I...don't know what to say about that. Also, I got Anne Rice on another work, so I don't really know about my style. Here is one thing about my writing, though. I'm hugely detailed, especially when it comes to characterization.

14. Do you read other people's fanfics? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? 

Of course I do - I mean, that's how I started~

I tend to read my friend's writings, but mostly ones of a good friend of mine named Giselle. 

Psst she has a FanFiction account whoops
oh oh and also a blogspot teehee 

15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write but haven't yet. 

I really want to write my own original story. Sadly, no original plot lines have come to head yet. 

I bask in shame. 

16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have a really bloated ego? 

I only have trouble if it's from people I'm not familiar with. For short, I'm only comfortable taking criticism from people I'm very close to, like my parents, Yumi, Giselle, and a few others. 

17. When you write is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? 

It helps when I'm alone, and somewhat quiet. I like playing music in the background, but the classical type. I like it when the room's cold, too. And I write most in the night. 

18. What inspires you? 

Anything inspires me. Whether a passage from a book or a lesson at school, but it's mostly music that helps me with my writing. 

19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?

I've grown from bad spelling and grammar to a notorious English nitpick when it comes to grammar and spelling. Also, I've grown from beaten up third grade notebooks to defective laptops. Not the best, but it's better than none.

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