Friday, September 21, 2012


"You will hear God's calling someday, ladies!"
"Ladies, God's call is just nearby."
"Listen to your heart, Sophomores."

I've never known how it felt to be enlightened by a higher being, until today. (in my case, it's God. I'm Catholic, after all.) How did it all begin? Well, today during lunch, our level was called to the level area for a few important announcements. After those announcements, my English teacher said something that made my heart race a hundred miles per hour and skyrocket into the heavens above. 

...don't look at me that way. I don't like him in that manner. 

Moving on, what I felt was weird. 

In my chest, it was like how I always feel whenever I see someone cute. My heart accelerated in its' beating, my breathing stopped for a few seconds, and I could feel my stomach roll around. In my mind, though, it was screaming. Screaming at me to listen to my English teacher. 

And to join the contest. 

The contest I'm speaking of is the Bic 2012 one for the Philippines. 

Admittedly, I wasn't even sure in the first place.

But I consulted my parents, my close friends, everyone...I was encouraged to join. 

The P15,000 prize motivated me. A little.

Hey, why not? 

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