Friday, August 31, 2012

A Connecting String

"Julchen, it's cold out." 

She only smiles, shaking her head in reply. Francesca always liked to dote on her. Well, maybe less than Felicia and Mana, but still. Francesca had a kind soul - something Julchen wanted for herself. Not the tanned woman, mind you, but...a heart. She wanted to feel all those feelings the others had. For some reason, she didn't feel a single thing. 

No feeling was ever real to her. Majority were fake. 

"Did you hear me, Julchen...?" 

Dim were the plains because of the dark sky, only lit by the ever-gleaming moonlight. She shifted a little in her spot, only reaching out and grabbing something that seemed nonexistent. Francesca sighed, sitting beside her. Julchen didn't look at her but only kept her gaze on the closed fist, and she opened. Part of her expected something, but it was only air that soon mixed with the other particles that surrounded them. 

"Amalia, Felicia, and Mana are asleep."

"That's good." 


Silence that was still, silence that wasn't awkward or full of tension. It was a good silence, meant to be shared between two good friends. Julchen adored Francesca. Her awesome buddy, she dubbed the long-haired beauty. She just had some doubts. Where did she really stand? 

After all, Francine was just on the other side of Hetar. 

Planning with the Laldei. 

Her gaze turned frustrated. Francesca could sense that. 

"My friend, calm down."

Slowly, she did. 

"You know Amalia can also-"

"I know that well, there is no need to bring it up." Julchen snapped. Francesca blinked, surprised at the harsh tone in her voice, but understood nonetheless. The silver-haired girl sighed. "I'm sorry. I lost my temper again." Francesca could only smile slightly. 

"There is nothing to worry about, Julchen." 

"How's Felicia?" she tried changing the subject. Francesca, unable to read the atmosphere, did not take notice. At all.

"She was worried about you, but Amalia told her to stay back a bit. After a week ago," she threw Julchen a look, "I'd be staying back to."

"I didn't mean to, you know that."

"Yes, yes."

Another moment of silence. 

"Xais and Laldei have to stop." 

"That's impossible."

"Julchen, think of the possibilities-"

Julchen stood. 

"I did nothing wrong." she spoke slowly, surely. "It's their fault, and you know it."

"But you have to look at it from both sides-"

"Both sides nothing. I was betrayed, remember?" 

Francesca looked at her friend sadly. 

"I do."

"That string that once bound us is no more."

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