Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cross Dimensions


Silver hair whipped to the side as scarlet eyes met green. A wild smile crossed her lips and she dusted off dirt from her clothes, cocking her hip and running a hand through her long hair. A scar ran across her pale cheek, tongue licking her lips as she met the gaze of Elizabeth Kirkland. 


The blonde other frowned, feeling her own long hair sway in the wind. The light honey locks weren't in their usual pigtails this time. The nation incarnate adjusted her rectangular-framed glasses, keeping her calm persona. On the inside, though, she was furious. 

"I ain't telling you shit." a cruel, cold laugh left Julchen's lips. Her hand dug into her coat pocket. "Why are you even here, anyway? This is Axis territory, wretch." 

"Such foul words." Elizabeth snapped back, reaching into her sheathe. "Don't try to anger me, Kraut." the Englishwoman was pleased upon seeing the albino's eye twitch a bit at the term. "I want nothing to do with you, so I shall make this quick." 

"I don't think so." the Prussian sneered. "Say auf wiedersehen, Insel Affen." 

* * * * * * * * * *


A mess of black and brown hair stumbled to the floor, a brunette on top of a black-haired person. Blue eyes met green and the one named Rianne harshly tugged at the other's hair, hissing. The brunette yelled out and screamed obscenities, roughly aiming punches at the girl below her. From behind, students gathered, cheering and videoing the fight with cameras and phones. 

"Damn it Elly, just let her go already!" 

A tall, black haired girl pulled Elly back, the girl squirming in her arms. 

"Let me go! She attacked me first-"

A much taller brunette helped Rianne up, glaring at the girls across. "You okay, Rianne?" the other merely scowled, not resisting the fair-skinned girl's movement. "Let's go. Reese is going to kill us later, and Meggy might yank my head off. Ria's just going to dote on you."

"Running away, scum?" one of the girls from the other side taunted. Rianne growled. 

"I'd rather you run, you need it, you fatass!" 

"Rianne," the other urged. The black-haired girl glared and left with her friend, holding her head high despite the bruises that decorated her fair skin. The one who held Elly back let her go and sighed, watching as the twosome departed the scene. 

"It's war all over again." 

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