Thursday, August 30, 2012


I refuse. 

I refuse to believe. 


She can still hear the events of the night before. She can remember the breathlessness, the euphoria, the fairy-tale like feeling of eternal bliss. The woman is now alone, on her knees, shaking and clutching at a paper that only bore a few words. Green eyes were misty with tears, and she crumpled up the item she held so tightly in her hand. 

Ich liebe dich, mein liebe. 

If he loved her, then why did he have to leave her? She just didn't understand it. All she could comprehend was her harsh breathing, the endless stream of tears that trickled down her pale face. The woman stood but fell on the bed, and she banged her fists onto the mattress, starting to sob even more. Tears stained the white bed cover and she rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling with a broken expression on her face. 

"I just don't understand," she whispered to herself, wrapping her arms around her slim figure. "God, what did I do wrong?" 

Was this how it felt like to be broken down once more? 

I love you, my dear.

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