Sunday, August 26, 2012

Everybody Loves Me.

Samuel Peters, portrayed by Justin Timberlake.
Graphic made and manipulated by yours truly. c:

Oh my, feels just like I don't try
Look so good I might die

All I know is everybody loves me
Head down, swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now

All I know is everybody loves me

A narcissist. If anyone were to look in the dictionary for the description of that word, the first thing they would see is a picture of a grinning man, brown hair scruffy and blue eyes piercing. This man's name is Samuel Paul Peters. Born and raised in Bronx, New York, he was surrounded by a life of glamour and popularity in his teenage years. 

I remember only coming up with Peters in the year 2011, when I thought of coming up with a companion or friend for A. The earliest draft of Peters was originally a tall, scrawny man with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes, socially awkward and working as an agent in Tokyo Headquarters. He and A got along pretty well, and he was her junior that time. 

As time passed, though, I wrote more and desperately needed someone else to keep her company. Peters was undeveloped that time, and then I started writing him without even drafting out his personality. As I wrote, I began realizing that I've made a completely different person, compared to A. Don't get me wrong, I love writing about varied characters. But with Peters, he's...someone I've struggled quite the bit with.

Samuel Paul Peters was born on the 26th of June in Bronx, New York. He led a simple but proud life, managing to become quarterback of the football team in his high school years. Though he seemed perfectly alright (despite his cocky and flirtatious ways) he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jacob "Jake" Peters. Jake was smart, Jake was a hit with the ladies, Jake was kind. Jake took up Medical Science and soon became a successful doctor, moving away to New York City to pursue his job. He got married and worked, while Peters struggled back in Bronx, desperately trying to get out of Jake's looming shadow.

Finally, he decided to move out and step into Tokyo, heading into the Police Agency as his father had suggested. And so he did. Moving from the United States to Japan was a large shift, the transfer from the West to East quite challenging. But he was able to buy an apartment and signed up for the Tokyo Central Headquarters post, taking up the position of agent.

During his transition, he didn't contact his family for the following reasons:

  1. Peters was busy working.
  2. Peters was trying to adjust to the changes. 
  3. Peters didn't want to. 
Secretly, Peters wanted to stay away from his family for a while. The man wanted to suddenly come and surprise them when he was successful, wanting to amaze them and wanting to hear praise. To another topic, he continued his flirtatious attitude in Tokyo, hooking up with women he found attractive. It would usually start with a conversation, and then persuasion. 

Mornings would usually start with him waking up with a woman beside him, both of them unclothed. Evenings would usually end with him taking her back to his place. 

During work, he was placed under the guidance of Matsuda Touta, a man in his thirties guiding agents on the road to becoming a great detective. He and Touta became friends, the former teasing the latter on his being single. Touta merely smiled, saying there'd be time for relationships and such in the latter part of his life. Peters refused to believe that. 

Things changed when Arianne Maxwell stepped in. Seventeen and young, she was a loner and did her work by herself. Peters remarked that the woman was 'cold' and 'lonesome', but Touta merely told him that she needed time to adjust. At eighteen, they were once teamed together. This didn't go smoothly. Peters was fire, and Arianne was ice. They contrasted each other greatly instead of balancing, and they grew to be enemies for quite a while. 

Stopping here for a while, you can gather that Peters is quite the outgoing man. He loves to smoke as well and drinks the occasional vodka, but sticks to beer instead. Though perceived as an irritating man by most, he does have a good side to him. 

He doesn't like showing it, but he does care for those close to him. He has a sense of morality and justice, even risking his life once for a child during a robbery shootout. Samuel Peters isn't the type of person to be open with affections and such, but would to anything to protect someone he loves, his family most especially. 

He has quite a hard time when it comes to maintaining relationships, however, when he really loves someone, he's willing to do his best to keep it. He does have a heart, and though not obvious, he can get hurt from time to time when it comes to love. 

With him being someone new to me, I don't know him as much as I know A. We have a hard time communicating at times, but I have a soft side for him, don't get me wrong. I love this cocky little goblin. I'll update this when I have more info about him! <3 

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