Monday, August 27, 2012

Run Away.

"Let's run away." 

She looked at him, dubiousness in her eyes. The man's lips were pressed against her neck, a shiver ran down her spine as he trailed them down to her shoulder. "What do you say, love? Are you up for leaving busy Tokyo for a little, have a road trip with me and so elsewhere for a single week?" she sighed, closing her eyes. He pulled away and pushed her gently onto the bed, climbing on top of her and watching as she pondered over the choices he gave. "You're too stressed, and you know it." 

"I can't," she murmured. "You know how busy I am, love." 

"Yes, yes," the ginger brushed that off, "but all of this isn't healthy for you. I don't even know if you're eating three times a day, baby." she tried to speak up, but he ran a finger down her ribs, frowning to himself. "You've lost weight." 

She shifted uneasily. 

"I know..." 

"Give me your phone." she blinked. The order was sudden. 

"W-Why not use yours?" 

"Low battery." she did so and handed him the slim iPhone, and Matt scanned over the contacts, going over to the Ms. "Pardon me for a moment, beautiful," he murmured, pressing on one of the names and calling someone. "Touta?" 

She froze. 

"Matt, why - ?"

"What is it, Matt? Did something happen?"

"A is sick," he said in a serious tone, winking at his girlfriend. "She's been skipping on her meals again." An exasperated noise came from the other line, and he waggled a finger at her, silently tsking. His girlfriend flushed, covering her face with her hands. 

"I've been telling her to eat, dear is she?"

"I'm making her stay in bed and will make her eat until she regains proper metabolism and proper weight for her size." he sent her a look, as if saying he really would do that. "How long can she take sick leave?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Matt. I'll have to ask." 

"A week."

"A-A week?"

"She's sick." he said firmly. "As well as her alcohol intake, I think this could end up more complicated."

"Well...I'm not a Medical graduate, but something tells me you're right. Okay. I'll be negotiating to get A at least a week off from work." Touta sighed. "Do tell her to get some rest, alright? We've lost Miss Jinx to sick leave as well, and Olsen's trying to keep up, as well as Peters." 

"Got it, thanks!" he hung up and handed her phone back. She frowned. 

"You lied to him."

"Partly. I am going to make you eat a lot on this trip, you know." Matt grinned wolfishly. "Pack your bags, beautiful. We leave tomorrow." 

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