Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two Halves of a Whole

Do you know her? Nah, I don't think you do. However, I think that close friends of mine would. Just to put a general description, this young lady is of German and English descent, the former not that obvious with her dark black hair and green eyes. A struggling alcoholic currently working in the ever-busy Tokyo, Ms. Arianne Maxwell is quite the confused woman. 

I remember creating version .01 of A in the months of 2009. She was mainly created for the Harry Potter verse for the sake of having a character to role play as on Twitter. If I'm right, then she had much shorter hair that was brown and the same eye color she has now. She was a painfully shy Ravenclaw who was in the same batch as the Golden Trio, and was best friends with Lisa Turpin, fellow Ravenclaw. 

Soon, though, I grew out of the Harry Potter fandom and moved onto another, which I'm still very into at this point. Death Note, conceptualized by Tsugumi Ohba, is that fandom. It tells the tale of a young man named Yagami Light, who stumbles across a black notebook entitled the Death Note. Fueled by his drive for justice and thirst to become God of the New World, he uses the notebook to his advantage, eliminating criminals and more especially, those who get in his way. 

However, I didn't want A tangled in that plot just yet. I started to build her up more at that point, making her a young, but well-known detective with the alias A. In Tokyo, she was commonly known and recognized by that letter. In HQ, she was known as the Female L, occasionally taking over the Original L's paperwork and cases whenever he was too busy to attend to them. At this point, her appearance changed. She was now a young woman with longer black hair and cat-like green eyes, skin paler than usual. Her addiction was sweets, and was often seen sucking on a lollipop during work. 

I hadn't formulated a background for her yet, except for one vital point: She was a Wammy girl. 

On personality, she was more playful and flirty compared to the A now. She was eighteen (the base age I gave her) when I started focusing on this character, working my way up. She stood tall at 5'6 and 110 lbs, ruling over HQ with a tight grip whenever she could. Additionally, she was in a relationship and later married the Original L, having solved the Kira Case. 

At this point, I would like to add that the Death Note Universe A actively partakes in is the Alternate one. In this case, L did not die and captured Kira without the help of Near and Mello. This version of A had gone up to early 2011, where I scratched that version off and started working from scratch. I kept some physical attributes, but as for the rest, I had started all over again. 

During that time, I based A on the following: 

(Misora Naomi, Death Note.)
Misora Naomi, the heroine of the Los Angeles Beyond Birthday Case, who had assisted L on capturing the one and only killer with the Eyes, Beyond Birthday. In the anime, she was an ex-FBI agent who had suffered the effects of the Death Note. Up to present, she is still missing, her body never recovered at all. Misora had suffered the loss of her fiance, Raye Penber, and sought for revenge. She was able to deduce by herself that Kira was on the bus, the same one her late fiance was on. 

Notably, A and Misora have a couple of similarities, one being the hair length and color, the other a fondness for wearing leather. While Misora seems to be more cautious and suspicious, A is more on the oblivious and hesitant side of the spectrum. While watching the series, I loved Misora. She grew to be my favorite early in the series, and I was too disappointed at how she had left the show. I somewhat expected for the event to happen, but the initial anger and bitterness never really faded. 

Moving on, I made a background for A. To summarize it, she was a little girl raised in Winchester by her parents until they died in a fire. She transferred to Wammy's and had to move out at thirteen due to a car crash that temporarily jumbled up and took away her memories. At sixteen she came back, having recovered the lost memories. At seventeen, she moved out of England and into Japan, and started working for Tokyo Central Headquarters. 

From sweets, I changed her addiction to alcohol instead. The alcohol intake started when she started working, stressed with the trials of her job. The more she drank, the more she couldn't get out of it. 

Mainly, A is reserved. Quiet. Polite. She was taught well, after all, she was raised in England and in Wammy's as well. She keeps a calm persona on the outside, though on the inside, she's hurting and she's lost, trying to find an objective in her life. She can get terribly sarcastic and cynical unintentionally, and is quite the angry young woman when it comes to her work. Deep inside, though, she's insecure about herself and how she looks. If one were to look in her bathroom and vanity mirror, the person would come across numerous make up products, hair brushes, lotions, and perfumes. Also, she's a little unstable when it comes to her emotions. She's not used to the outside world, and even more, she's definitely not used to human contact and relationships. 

When it comes to relationships and such, A is clueless. She doesn't get body language and human nature, not really understanding herself as well. She tends to stammer a lot and blushes easily, reverting into a slight tsundere when it comes to confronting someone she likes. 

Mail Jeevas and Arianne Maxwell.
[Portrayed by Chace Crawford and Ashlee Simpson. This is
merely a manipulation and graphic made out of fun, so don't come
at me yelling where I got the picture... ^^;]
However, she's in love. 

She met Mail Jeevas and fell completely for him, unsure of her feelings. Luckily, he reciprocated those feelings and entered into a relationship, him eventually moving into her home in Tokyo as well. Mail was her first kiss, her first love, and she gave her virginity to him the first person she felt like she completely trusted. She felt as if he completed her, and never wanted to let him go. 

I shall end it here for now, and post a second part of this tomorrow. Hopefully, I'd be able to work on my other OC, though relatively more recent and not as developed as A is, who deserves the spotlight as much as lovely A does. He's a male, he's American, and he's a cocky womanizer. 

I hope you all enjoyed this! Goodnight, and see you all tomorrow. 

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