Saturday, June 1, 2013

Clinging to the Remaining Days

Hi, guys! 
So it's already June 1, and in twelve days I'll be starting my Junior Year. But before that, I've got a workshop I need to attend next week from Tuesday to Friday. I'll try as much as possible to post whenever I can, especially since classes start on June 13 and I'll be pretty much busy from that point on. 
Blog anniversary is coming up this August, and I've got one more thing added to the "things I'll do to show my happiness" list. I'm quite excited to do it, since it's something I really, really love to do. Spoiler alert: it's not going to be a written piece. And it's not going to be a drawing, since I'm terrible at that.
That's pretty much all for today - hopefully, I'll keep posting, but we'll see about that since June is here and I don't really want to go to school yet. God, summer's really fast. 

Facebook now has a 'how do you feel' thing added when you post.
Since GIFs can't load over there, I'll post how I feel here.

With a GIF.

I'm sorry, that was cruel. 

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