Friday, June 7, 2013

Error: Feelings Not Encoded

It was already five PM, and two teachers remained inside the fourth year faculty room, one typing on his laptop and the other one encoding grades into a computer. It was silent, for the most part, except for the numerous pressing of keys on the keyboard, the clicking of a mouse, and the whirring of the ceiling fan that gently blew air onto them. Miraculously enough, neither of them got into a spat with the other. The two simply focused on their work, eyes glued on the screen as the minutes passed.

The woman brushed strands of her out of her eyes, saving the file much after. A sigh left her lips and she checked the time on the corner of the screen. Apparently, time decided to be quick and it was now six minutes after half past five. Luckily enough for her, it was the weekend, and the sooner she could encrypt the grades, the sooner she could get back home and curl up in bed with a bowl of macaroni and cheese in her hands.

“Are you done yet, Sylvia?” came the voice from the other side of the room.

She sighed yet again.

“Not yet. I still need to compute and finalize section four’s grades.” She got up from her chair and walked towards the coffee maker, eyeing the two remaining packets. She made a mental note to buy more coffee. “You want some coffee? I think you’ll need it if you’re going to encode grades after me.” Sylvia glanced at him, expecting his eyes glued on the screen, but to her surprise (and slight delight), he looked at her with a slight smile and nodded.

No wisecracks.

No insults.

No teasing.

Minutes later, she handed over a steaming mug of coffee (with added sugar) to him, Richard thanking her as he received the mug and took a long drink. She kept her eyes on her companion, taking a sip from her own mug and eventually setting it down on her area of the table.

“At this rate, I’ll be missing the Game of Thrones,” she heard him mutter under his breath.

A reply came from her lips without much thought, “Well that’s what torrents are for, Richard.”

He laughed.

The laugh that she knew the students laughed at because it was so different.

“That’s very true, Sylvia – but I prefer downloading after the episode airs.”

“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, returning to her position in front of the PC and rubbing her fingers. “I was just saying that torrents existed for a reason.”


And it was silent once more, and the sounds of typing and clicking resumed – along with the occasional drink in between. The clock struck half past six, and she felt like banging her head on the desk – just a few more students, and she’d be alright. Somehow.

A wrapped sandwich landed on her work space.

She turned to glare at him for nearly messing up her work, but saw that he was rummaging in his bag for something to eat as well. And then it all clicked – of course. It was dinner time…for him, at least. Her dinner would come up in an hour.

“You can have that.”

“Oh, thanks for the throw, almost wasted food,” she snapped but opened up the sandwich anyway and took a bite. Sylvia tasted butter and soon enough, strawberry jam that she guessed came from the north.

It was good.

But of course, she didn’t say that in front of him. From behind her, she could hear him eating as well, and she rubbed her fingers, determined to finalize the grade encoding she needed to do.

A few chairs away, Richard rubbed his eyes and finished the last of his food. It didn’t look like he’d be able to encode right after her…

* * * * *



“Well. I’m done, if you need the PC.”

He shook his head and got up, slinging the laptop bag over his shoulder with ease. “Nah, I’ll just come tomorrow and encode myself.” She blinked and stared at him, a small smirk crawling up his face. “It was fun to see you frustrate over the students’ grades, Sylvia.”

“Oh, shut up.” She snapped. “Just go.”

He merely stood there, still smirking.


He finally laughed and took his keys from his pocket, waving them in front of her with a slightly lazy look on his tanned face.

“You can commute home, or I can bring you home.”

Begrudgingly, she zipped her bag and chose the latter choice. 

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