Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Endings and Beginnings

"You'll be turning twenty-two in twenty-two days," Matt mused. Beside him, his girlfriend smiled and rolled her eyes, not wanting to be reminded about her age. "And I'll be twenty-four in thirty-two. Jesus. We're getting older, but I still feel the same."

"Isn't it always that way?" he looked at her. She was busy gazing out the window, eyes lost in thought. "The only thing that changes with age is the number itself. The whole year is what changes you, whether good or bad. You feel different in the middle of the year, sometimes not at all. The whole birthday thing is to make you feel good about surviving another three hundred and sixty-five days."

Matt couldn't help but laugh.

"That's a rather different point of view."

"I like to keep my viewpoints rather realistic," she turned her eyes on him and smiled, "I don't like having my head up in the clouds if I know what I'm imagining isn't going to happen. It helps a lot."

"Helps in battling disappointment?" she nodded. "But don't you like the whole what if twist to it? I mean, I used to imagine what would happen if I..." he trailed off. "Never mind." 

"What if what, exactly?"

The Sweet Sixteen Challenge

Hello and  good evening, dear readers! How are you enjoying the last day of the year? :)

So you're probably wondering what's with the title and the rather odd banner that you see up there. Well, I'm here to explain.

For the month of January, I decided to challenge myself! (As usual. I bet none of you are actually surprised...) The challenge I gave myself was to do sixteen character development posts, whether shorts, graphics or playlists.

So that I could really have fun, I decided to split the challenge into two categories. 

Eight challenges will be for the development of Arzen Venura. (The Shoujo Parallels)

And the other eight will be for the development of Arianne Maxwell. (Alternate Death Note universe)

If you also check out River's  blog, she also did something like this, but all sixteen was for Elaine Rivers. I decided to put my own twist for the two wonderful OCs. 

Am I excited? Hell yes.

I won't limit them to just those two, though! As a small...preview, I'll let slip that I'm planning to make a playlist for Technika (TSP), and for Squad A (DN). :3 

The period will run from January 1 to January 31! Let's hope I get all those done as soon as possible. :D 

Have a great New Year, and an amazing 2014!

My love for Elsa knows no bounds.

Ari Babbles: Of Characters and Life

For me, one of the greatest pleasures of writing isn't building the plot, creating a new world, or even finishing a story that you've spent your blood, sweat and tears on. That's just one of the finer things, this coming from a writer who's only finished so little yet is trying to accomplish so much. Truly, one of the greatest things you can feel when writing is the joy of bringing a character to life.

Yes, you can make so many characters. I've got Queens and humans who have Other Selves, cocky blondes and a mysterious ginger who trains with dragons and the dragons' mistress. I've got half-Deity and half-Zodiac teenage women. Hell, I've even got a sarcastic, snarky forensic scientist who struggled as he moved to Tokyo. Yes, I've got so many characters. Protagonists, antagonists, supporting characters, flat ones and round ones. But no matter who or what they are, nothing makes me happier than seeing them, writing them in a matter that they feel alive.

Ever since seventh grade, I started writing my own characters and started to lessen writing about canon characters. Admittedly, it was hard. There were names and backgrounds, jobs and hobbies to conceptualize and think of - even the appearance was a vital part of who they were. I couldn't just describe this one character as a 'brunette-haired bookworm', or a 'sharp, blue-eyed chef'. I plotted and planned my characters to the last detail, not wanting to lack in anything. Really, it's like cooking. You try so hard to make it perfect, just to see the amazing result. And when people eat the meal and tell you it's good, you can't help but feel that little bubble of pride rise.

That's exactly my feelings towards character-building. I want to make them great, to make them human and wonderfully flawed. So that when people read about them, they don't roll their eyes and tell me the balance is flawed, no. It's purely for when people read them, they feel a connection, whether from their life story or the fact that their favorite band is the Kooks and they've been saving all their life just to get to one concert.

With the way I design and make my characters, it always gets on my nerves when I read a novel - even a whole series - and not even once does the main character even change. It would be understandable if the character were background ones, but as I had learned in English class, character development was the most vital part of a story - of a novel.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Height Issues

“Amaya, who’s taller in the relationship?”

“What the – what kind of question is that?!”

“What she means is,” Nikolai interrupted, “Who’s taller? You or Arthur?”

Amaya Titania pondered on that. 

“Well…if you were to ask the sugar freak, he’d say that it would be him. Of course. Because he’s male and all that patriarchal crap. But if you would compare us side to say, it would be me.”

Nikolai arched a brow.

“So you’re saying…you’re taller?”

“By an inch or two, maybe.” Amaya shrugged. “It isn’t any deal. He can grow taller.” Eri and Nikolai exchanged looks, making the ginger frown. “What? What is it?”

“We’ll let you two argue over it,” Eri piped, and Nikolai nudged her in the side rather playfully. Before Amaya could even muster a reply, the two left, Eri hitting Nikolai on the shoulder, and the Prince laughing as he rubbed his shoulder even without a flinch.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Croodle: A Shoujo Parallels Christmas Short

“I know what to give you for this year’s Yuletide, Eri.” Amaya Titania gave Eri Memoire a hard look, “Some medicine from the best apothecary. I swear. Nikolai will hear about this.”

“No, no. Don’t, Amaya.” The blonde gave her friend a pleading look, “he can’t know. Not even Elysia. Especially not Elysia.”

“Hasn’t your own sister been noticing?”

“Step-sister,” she corrected, and gave another cough. “It’s the annual allergy season that always comes along. I’m fine. And Elysia’s busy with Court duty, I’m not sure when she and Arthur will be back from their latest hunt.”

“He must have messed it up,” the ginger girl muttered, both of them retreating back into the castle. 

“Arthur tends to do that often. Mess things up.”

“I’m sure he does,” Eri smiled slightly. At that, Amaya’s cheeks reddened. Just a bit.

“H-Hey. I didn’t mean anything by that!”

“I didn’t say you meant something.”

“Sure. Yeah. Whatever,” the Sky Guerrier huffed and turned around, “Later. I’m going to go and train a bit, Arthur promised a spar when he comes back.” At the sound of Amaya’s footsteps retreating upstairs, Eri took a deep breath and walked to the main chambers, where she knew a certain man was located.

Aeipathy: A Death Note AU Christmas Short

The first thing she felt was immediate warmth.

“Morning,” a husky voice murmured in her ear. Shivers went down her spine and a warm hand tucked a loose strand of hair away from her face. She swore that she could sense his smile even though his lips were centimeters away and even though she was facing elsewhere. An arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her closer; the same pair of lips went from touching the air to touching her jaw. And again, she shivered. His lips this time went up, curving slightly into a haughty smirk.

“G’morning,” she replied. Trying to suppress a giggle. Or a laugh. “Good sleep?”

“Mhm.” He shifted a little bit so that she was on top now. The blanket stayed, covering them both. Now, she was gazing into a pair of delighted blue eyes. The blue eyes that stayed on her face, his fingers now rubbing circles on her waist. She made a small, delighted sound and those eyes lit up. “Great sleep. Excellent rest. Amazing…” eyes darted to the clock, “…nine hours. Not bad.”

“You’re stalling.”


“Yes.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek, “Stalling.”

“Now, why would I stall?”

His smirk was gone and the childish smile was back.

She poked his chest.

“Because,” she ended up whispering, “It’s Christmas.”

Cicatrize: A Playlist for the Eris of the Beta Otherworld

++ Download ++
(coming soon!)

Fragments of the Twelfth

We represent parts of her.
Parts that take her torment.
Hurt, more often than not.
If not hurt, then asking for help.
Perhaps judged and misled.
Or hiding masqueraded pain.
Parts that are oppressed.
Parts that then heal.
Diagnosed with a sickness.
Rebels with innocent smiles.
Other times, persecuted.
All for the wrong reasons.
Parts that want to give up.
But keep pushing on.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, dear readers!

A year ago, I was starting out the 30 Day OTP Challenge.
Today, it'll be simple. I'll be posting graphics and a playlist.
Maybe even a short if I feel it. 

Consider those my "gifts" for you guys. Haha!
Have a rocking Christmas! <3 

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Queen and Her Consort

“Send the troops up north. I wish to see nothing but complete annihilation of the Blitzen army.” a woman commanded. The man in front of her bowed and gave a short nod before leaving the Queen alone in her chamber, the woman donning a long, silvery-blue dress that graced the floor as she walked. Her white blond hair reached her back and was in a rather messy braid; scepter in her hands the same color as her pointed crown. “If she thinks she can lead the uprising, then she’s wrong,” she muttered to herself, rising from the throne and walking to the window, gazing down with a look containing nothing but sheer cold.

The whole kingdom was engulfed in battle. For the past years, tensions had been rising and the Queen had been trying to sate it. As of late, a new rebellion rose, and she wanted to stop it. Battles came and men from her side were lost, agitating her and lighting a spark within that would set the icy flames.

For the first time since many decades ago, a war was going to occur once more. The excitement of it set her blood on fire and sang to the high heavens. She was a warrior, a fighter, a ruler. She was a woman who successfully reigned with no man by her side, who sent soldiers fighting like pawns on a chessboard littered black and white.

This, however, wasn’t a battle of black and white.

It was a fight of grey against many others.

“She won’t see it coming," she murmured quietly, feeling the scepter grow colder.

“But she will, Eridani.”

Eridani Schnee raised a brow and turned around, seeing someone else.

“I don’t remember asking the guard to let you in.”

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ari Reviews: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Cath isn't having a swell time at college. Her twin sister Wren doesn't want to be roommates (this is her twin. Her best friend.), her writing professor believes that fanfiction is the end to everything literature, she's stuck with a roommate who might just hate her, this handsome boy in class is filled to the brim with writing, and to make it worse, her roommate's boyfriend is just around the corner. 

She's a Simon Snow fan at heart. So is her twin. But the thing is, Wren has grown up from Simon Snow. Cath, on the other hand, refuses to.

When the time comes, though, can she leave the imaginative world and face the real one?

Hello and good afternoon, dear readers! (I seriously have to come up with a nickname for you guys. I have no idea why.) Christmas break has just started for me, and for today, I'm going to review the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

Okay, first impressions first. 

So the craze lately at my school (or within my group of friends) are those books that were originally Wattpad stories. To tell the truth, I'm not a big fan of them. They're the ones with the manga-like covers, and when read, have crazy Taglish (Tagalog + English) that would overwhelm a Filipino reader. More often than not, they revolve around some crazy, sometimes cliched love story that would make me bang my head on the wall and scream to the high heavens in anguish.

I first thought that Fangirl was one of those books. 

But upon cracking open my own personal copy and taking a peek, I decided, nope. This isn't one of those.

Was I relieved? Yes.

The read more is right there if you want to go on! Spoilers may be in there, so take caution. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Summery December: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

“Is this safe?” Mathias asked dubiously as they were strapped in, seatbelt across their waists. Arzen smiled but tightly held on to the bar of their ride, both of them awkwardly pressed together, bodies so close in a manner that he would usually find thrilling. But in this case, he was dubious of the ride – the Octopus, as Arzen had called it. She seemed relieved when the line only took five minutes, and was laughing at the expression on Daniel’s face when he and Elaine were strapped in, both of them flushed from the close proximity. “Arzen, I don’t like the feeling of this ride. It’s giving me vibes.”

“Jive vibes?” she tried, smiling widely in the process. He rolled his eyes at the pun, but couldn’t help a smile nonetheless. “Chill out. I’ve been riding this thing since seventh grade, and I’m still alive. The first time may be…scary, but you’ll be begging to ride with me again when this is over.” She hummed quietly as the ‘tentacles’ of the ride rotated, lifting them feet higher into the air. Mathias’ blue eyes widened.

“So what exactly does this do?”

“It rotates, bringing us up and down. But that’s not all. The carriages-” and she let out a loud squeal, Mathias yelping in surprise as their own red carriage spun around, “-they spin. They spin a lot,” she finished, laughing to herself because of the sudden shock and the look on the ginger’s face.

“This is ridiculous, we have to get off-”

“You can’t.”


“You can’t,” Arzen repeated calmly, flashing him a smile. From above, they could hear Daniel’s protest and Elaine’s laughter. Arzen looked up and grinned at the sight of the blonde trying to escape, and he soon quit, seeing his shoulders slump miserably next to Elaine. Maxine, on the other hand, was holding on to a screaming and whooping Liam. “Men. Say they can do anything, but strap them onto an octopus and they act like they’ve seen a ghost.”

“That’s just cruel,” Mathias complained, but his face blanched once they went higher. The carriage threatened to spin.

“We’ll argue later on,” she replied, one hand on the bar and the other discreetly travelling down and looking for his hand, “Today, we scream.”

Sunday, December 8, 2013

From Silk to Steel: For the Queens of Cardverse

Good evening, dear readers! 

What I have here is a playlist for the four leading ladies of the Royal Flush. I've been working on this for the whole afternoon and evening, holy cow. Below the cut are the tracklist graphic, lyrics and lyric guide so that you may glimpse into the characterization of these four ladies. 

Some lines contain spoilers, but I won't say which ones. ;) I'll be posting a download link when I can!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Feigning Weakness

Cold was abundant during the latter seasons of the year, with snow raining down on her and covering the woman in a light layer of white snow. The female glanced ahead of her, the flowers of the fuchsia trees wiggling amongst the leaves and branches, soon flying free. A single blossom landed at her feet and the woman picked it up, running her fingers over the smooth, seemingly ivory yet soft petals which shone light silver under the sunlight. Snow and petals mixed together, creating a savory, fragrant and lively smell that filled her with the strange sensation of serenity.

Serenity, she thought, that she hadn’t felt in the longest time.

Serenity that was mind-numbing and emotion-locking.

The sweetest serenity that could leave her knocked silly –

And Eri Puellaesi’s emerald eyes widened with realization, dropping the flower and crushing it under her heel. Immediately did the scenery around her shift, spiraling back into where she truly was. The damned forest was the opposite of the euphoric-induced hallucination the dogseong sigmul nearly trapped her in, and she swore quietly upon realizing what she was doing there.

She had walked out of the facilities, shortly saying that she needed to collect supplies from the forest. Briefly, Eri remembered Andi warning her about the sigmul, but she brushed off her comrade’s warnings and insisted that she would be alright before running out, sword in its place and the long, fluttery dark green robe flying past her.

“This was clearly the wrong day to go out into the forest,” she muttered, drawing her sword and scanning the area for any sign of threat. None greeted her and she cast a wry look towards the seemingly menacing trees, which contained yet-to-bloom sigmul. Another sugary whiff caught her attention and she grimaced, stumbling back and backing away from the trees.

“The sigmul are always dangerous,” Jessica instructed. “They’re poisonous and toxic, and have sent people nuts. You’d be stupid if you actually wandered into a plantation of them.”

At that, Cissa rolled her eyes. “Then how about you tell us what they look like, what smell they emit, the symptoms if you’re under their spell and what to do if ever that happens?” Jessica was about to throw a scathing remark, but Collette spoke immediately to prevent a storm from happening.
“I think the last one is obvious. Run like hell.”

Laughter ensured from all of them, breaking the tension.

“Collette’s right. Almost. Dogseong sigmul are usually fuchsia-colored, but they can range from light lavender to a soft pink. But their most prominent feature is the smell. At first sniff, you’d think you smelled the sweetest sweets there was. Sort of like liquid bubble gum.” Alpha grimaced. “But the smell is hallucination and hysteria-inducing. That’s why people have been reported to be going mad lately.”

“What about the feelings? Like, how do you feel if you smell it?”

“Well, Arturia, I’ve heard that it makes the victim awfully loopy. It’s like a sneak attack. It makes you feel all nice and comfortable, but then it starts numbing you from the head down until you can’t actually move and just fall. When you fall, you stay there, numb until you die, are saved because of your luck, or are eaten.”

“Let’s hope luck’s on our side, then.”

“Wrong.” They all looked at Amaya, who was shaking her head with a slight look of disbelief. “Be on your damn guard. That’s why you all have weapon containers.” Eri glanced shortly at the sword container by her hips, “To kill any. Single. Threat. You all understand that?”

Somber nods came from the other ladies in the room.

Neugdae,” she muttered, hearing the growling howl from far, far away. White fur and menacing teeth. “They usually aren’t agitated unless someone agitates them-”

Sentence stopping, she ran up north.

She had memorized the path by heart, listening to the sound of the growls and the roars that grew louder and louder as she neared. The woman hid behind a tree and whistled a tune, waiting for whoever was there to whistle it back.

When none came, she was both irritated and lit with worry. Drawing her sword from its sheath, Eri counted to three silently and then charged at the animal, appearing like a blur. She hacked its neck and landed neatly on the ground, holding her sword and hearing the beast collapse from behind her. Crimson blood trickled around and it got on her boots, but Eri didn’t notice, instead looking at the person who was in front of her.

A brilliant scarlet. She rushed to him and looked for any sign of wounds, but realized that the immense red was because of his hair rather than anything else. “Are you alright?” she asked sharply, prying his hands off his ears and finding a crumpled sigmul. “Are you stupid? Do you know what these things can do to you?” she demanded next, ripping the flower off his hand and crushing it under her heel, burying it into the soil and staining the crushed petals red. “The sigmul and neudgae work together – the sigmul drugs you and the neugdae, seeing a new victim, eat whoever it is.”

And then, he looked up.

“I’m afraid the sigmul have much worse effects on me than before.”

* * * * *

The first thing she felt was an obscure familiarity. Which was ridiculous, because she had just met him on that day. So why, she wondered, am I bringing him back to my own home?

“What were you doing out in the forest?”

“Gathering supplies.”

She rolled her eyes, yet he didn’t notice. “Why didn’t you know about the sigmul?”

The man let off a small chuckle, cringing slightly at the pain in his ankle. “I thought they only bloomed in the spring and fall seasons. That’s when people usually cower and run away.”

“They bloom in every season. The strongest in winter.” An empty silence greeted them.

“I must have mistaken it for another flower, then,” she heard him muttering. Eri couldn’t help the small smile that reached her lips and opened the door, leading him inside and closing it after. She slid off the robe and hung it by the hook, revealing her to be in a black, knee-length dress.

“Eri Puellaesi, by the way. I thought saviors should introduce themselves to the saved.”

The man, who was now sitting on the wooden chair, looked at her and flashed a smile.

“Mathias Gletscher. The situation has turned, Eri. I’m going to be explaining some things to you this time.”

And the smile fell from her lips upon her lips once she realized he was completely, irrevocably different.

He had discarded his own silver robe and instead of a traditional men’s attire, was wearing a glowing black-and-blue suit that went from his neck down to his feet, possibly.

* * * * *

She understood clearly now.

There had been recent talk about extraterrestrial planets and such, but this was much, much different. Eri poured steaming tea into his own cup, Mathias taking a sip much after.

“I feigned weakness back in the forest just to catch your attention. I didn’t expect the neugdae to appear, though. I didn’t do anything.”

“They have an amazing sense of smell and can detect humans,” she suddenly stopped. Was this man even human at all?

He looked the part, she had to admit.

“So you’re immune to the sigmul?” her tone was slightly accusatory. He merely shrugged his shoulders, glancing out the window and catching sight of the falling snow.

“Unfortunately, it seems that you have things worth hallucinating over.”

“Well, I apologize if I’m losing those closest to me,” she retorted sourly.

At that, he could only smile.

“I lost a lover. But I’m not hallucinating.”

Dogseong Sigmul: Toxic Flora
Neugdae: Wolf

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Woman of His Court

"This is a battle I face for myself.
A battle I fight for him.
From silk, he has fashioned me into steel.
From soft, I am now toughened.
A woman of his Court."