Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Croodle: A Shoujo Parallels Christmas Short

“I know what to give you for this year’s Yuletide, Eri.” Amaya Titania gave Eri Memoire a hard look, “Some medicine from the best apothecary. I swear. Nikolai will hear about this.”

“No, no. Don’t, Amaya.” The blonde gave her friend a pleading look, “he can’t know. Not even Elysia. Especially not Elysia.”

“Hasn’t your own sister been noticing?”

“Step-sister,” she corrected, and gave another cough. “It’s the annual allergy season that always comes along. I’m fine. And Elysia’s busy with Court duty, I’m not sure when she and Arthur will be back from their latest hunt.”

“He must have messed it up,” the ginger girl muttered, both of them retreating back into the castle. 

“Arthur tends to do that often. Mess things up.”

“I’m sure he does,” Eri smiled slightly. At that, Amaya’s cheeks reddened. Just a bit.

“H-Hey. I didn’t mean anything by that!”

“I didn’t say you meant something.”

“Sure. Yeah. Whatever,” the Sky Guerrier huffed and turned around, “Later. I’m going to go and train a bit, Arthur promised a spar when he comes back.” At the sound of Amaya’s footsteps retreating upstairs, Eri took a deep breath and walked to the main chambers, where she knew a certain man was located.

Passing by the halls, she glanced up at the paintings of the various rulers – Kings and Queens. From females with sharp gazes to the males brandishing a silver sword, they all had one thing in common: the males had icy blue eyes, and the females had electric green ones. Right before the wooden doors, she stopped at the latest image of the male ruler, who was smiling and wearing a powdery-blue cape.

Nikolai Astin.

“Admiring the sight, Eri?”

“O-Of course not!” She hated it when she stuttered. “Don’t be so cocky, Nikolai. It’s unbecoming for a King in the making.”

A warm laugh left his lips and she turned around, not quite meeting his eyes. Silvery-blue twinkled in the dusk and he smiled at her, taking hold of the young lady’s hand and leading her into the room. “You were coming here. For what reason?”

“To ask when Elysia and Arthur are coming back,” she replied, when her cheeks weren’t so warm and when courage came back. He frowned at the mention of Arthur. “It’s almost Yuletide, and they haven’t you think we need to send them help? Amaya and I can go.”

“I have faith in both of them, Eri.” He replied. “I trust that they can do their own mission successfully, and come back just in time for the morning of Yuletide.”

“Of course.”

“And besides, I just got word that they’ve completed the task at hand.” He took a rolled up parchment from his pocket and handed to her, Eri unrolling it quickly and seeing the sharp handwriting of Arthur Pandora. “They should be back in a few hours’ time, depending on the snow storm outside and how fast their horses can go.”

She nodded again, quietly returning the parchment and taking a seat. He watched her silently, sitting next to her as well. Again not meeting his gaze, she looked up and saw the still logs in the fireplace, and after a quick incantation, pointed her finger. Immediately did the logs begin to burn, slowly putting out the unusual amount of cold in the room.

“…my apologies, I always forget to keep this damned room warm.”

“S’alright. The cold outside must have been getting to me lately.”

He shifted a little and removed his thick coat, seeing that she still hand hers on. Quickly, his hands moved and touched her shoulders, fingertips touching the soft fabric and nimble fingers ready to slide the coat off her skin.

But at his touch, she stiffened.

He realized how awkward it must be.

“God, I don’t know how to treat a lady right,” he muttered to himself in embarrassment, flushing as he positioned his hands back in his lap. “I’m sorry, Eri, that must have been impolite of me.”

She kept her eyes forward on the flames, not seeming to hear what he had said.

“You can remove it.”

“Really, I don’t know – hold on, what?”

“I…you can remove it. That’s what gentlemen do, isn’t it?”

He found himself stuck for a few seconds, and was able to reply, “Of course. I’ll…I’ll be removing your coat.” She nodded and he put his hands back on her shoulders, gently sliding the article of clothing off her skin and watching as it slid off. Under the thick white coat was a much thinner layer of clothing, and he neatly folded her coat before putting it on top of his, and watching as both coats flew off with a muttered charm.

“It’s been colder, Nikolai.”

“I haven’t noticed, to be honest.”

“You are the Ice Prince, after all – I’m not surprised.”

He studied her. “Should I have something warm brought? Perhaps drinks?”

“No, thank you. I’m alright here,” she murmured, and rose from her seat. “In fact, I might watch the flames. They’re pretty.”

And she looked at him, he absorbing the reflection of the flames dancing on ivory and lighting her eyes.

“May I watch with you?”

“Permission granted,” and her voice wasn’t so formal, not so stiff anymore. She gave him a coy smile and both settled themselves in front of the fire, soon ending with shoulder against shoulder, Nikolai trying not to ruin the moment despite wanting to carry things much further.

“Don’t you get bothered by the heat?”

“Not at all.” he shifted a bit and the two ended up closer, more than shoulder to shoulder. “I prefer the cold, of course. But I have nothing against fire.”

“Even if it might burn you?”

“Even so.” He shrugged. “If I let myself be burned, it’s my own fault.”

“That’s true,” she sighed. And their gazes returned to the lapping fire that feasted on the logs. “I haven’t thought of anything to give Arthur,” she spoke up suddenly. “All the rest, yes…but he’s like a book in another language. I can’t understand him sometimes.”

Nikolai gave a low chuckle, “Give him Amaya. He’ll be pleased.”

She nudged him playfully, “He already has her. But I’ll do my best.”

“So, if Arthur gets Amaya…” he looked at her innocently, “What do I get?”

“Don’t you have everything, Nikolai?”

“No.” he shook his head. “Sadly, I don’t.”

* * * * *

“There you are!” Amaya called out exasperatedly, seeing two wary warriors making their way back. “In already! Elysia, Eri’s been waiting herself sick since this morning-”

“Sick?” Elysia Sirius asked sharply, “I told her to stop messing about in the snow storm right before I left. Where is she?”

“With Nikolai, I think,” Arthur Pandora spoke up from behind. “Come on. When Yuletide comes, the stars are at their brightest. We should watch with them.”

“Right you are,” Amaya muttered, and the three ran towards the castle, Arthur following closely. Elysia had already removed her battle armor and merely ran with her coat on, and finally all of them were inside. They walked down the hall quickly, Amaya shivering slightly at the increased cold. Arthur had noticed and put his own coat on her, earning a flustered glare.

Elysia smirked inwardly at the sight and reached the wooden doors, gently opening the door and the three of them quietly peeking in. Amaya’s tangerine eyes widened with surprise and Arthur restrained himself from laughing loudly, Elysia rather shell-shocked at the sight.

“I guess they couldn’t wait at all,” he spoke with a raised brow. Amaya’s expression then turned to one of smugness.

“Well, at least she had someone to wait with.”

“Should we let them rest?”

“Leave them there.” The two looked at Elysia, who was smiling slightly despite herself. “We shall wake them before midnight.”

They relented and closed the doors, leaving Nikolai and Eri alone. Both of them were seated next to each other, a thick blanket sheltering them from the cold. Her head leaned against his shoulder and his own was carefully propped against hers, so as to prevent discomfort.

Under the blanket, his arm was around her, keeping her safe from any harm. 

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