Monday, December 30, 2013

Height Issues

“Amaya, who’s taller in the relationship?”

“What the – what kind of question is that?!”

“What she means is,” Nikolai interrupted, “Who’s taller? You or Arthur?”

Amaya Titania pondered on that. 

“Well…if you were to ask the sugar freak, he’d say that it would be him. Of course. Because he’s male and all that patriarchal crap. But if you would compare us side to say, it would be me.”

Nikolai arched a brow.

“So you’re saying…you’re taller?”

“By an inch or two, maybe.” Amaya shrugged. “It isn’t any deal. He can grow taller.” Eri and Nikolai exchanged looks, making the ginger frown. “What? What is it?”

“We’ll let you two argue over it,” Eri piped, and Nikolai nudged her in the side rather playfully. Before Amaya could even muster a reply, the two left, Eri hitting Nikolai on the shoulder, and the Prince laughing as he rubbed his shoulder even without a flinch.

“What do they mean-”

“What they mean is,” a cool voice came from behind, “We can find out for ourselves who’s taller and who’s not.” Rolling her eyes, Amaya turned around to see Arthur Pandora looking rather amused, not holding any kind of weapon for once and his battle gear most likely back in his own room. His golden eyes gave a mischievous twinkle. “So, Amaya. What’s your height?”

She looked him dead in the eye, hands on her hips.

“Five feet something.”

“Hold on, let’s compare.” 

They stood next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. 

Arthur was startled. 

“…you’re the same height as me?

“You’re five feet eight, right?”

He nodded.

Amaya’s eyes widened, “That’s pretty short for a male, PanPan!”

“Amaya, please don’t call me PanPan-”

“It’s a free world. What, would you rather Artie? Or Dora? Hm. Dora sounds like a female name. Arthur ‘PanPan Artie Dora’ Pandora. Sounds like a hero’s name.”

It took all of Arthur’s self-restraint to not facepalm in front of her.

“Back to the original topic – not all males can be tall, Amaya.”

“Oh, come on. Look at Nikolai – he’s approaching six and leaving Eri in the dust.”

Both of them chuckled at that, imagining Nikolai’s six feet to Eri’s five and three inches.

“But Nikolai’s family has tall genes. And mine…”

He blinked.

“…actually, we were pretty tall, too.”

“Looks like those genes skipped you, then.” She teased. He gave her a look.

“I don’t think you’re really that tall, Amaya.”

All the teasing in her orange eyes changed.

“Are you telling me I’m a faker?”

“In height? Yes.”

The sky above them rumbled.

“Listen here, PanPan.” The nickname wasn’t so affectionate anymore. “We stood next to each other several times. You may have been taller than me when we first met, but that clearly isn’t the case now.”

In fact, Amaya was right.

She and Arthur were the exact same height.

Maybe too exact,even.

“Are you two still going on about your height?” Nikolai asked dubiously. He and Eri were back, both of them wearing coats. “Who’s taller?”

“I am,” both of them answered.

Eri blinked.



Nikolai resisted the urge to laugh, “So both of you are the exact same height.”

“No, he’s smaller!” Amaya insisted. “By a centimeter or something.”

“We’re the same height,” Arthur calmly replied.

“You just don’t want to be beaten by a girl.”

“Because of height? Amaya, if this were about efficiency in spell-casting, I’d be happy to give you the crown. But as for height, I believe that I am the sole winner. Excluding Nikolai.”

At that, Eri glared up at the brunette’s taller stature. He could only smile at Eri, ruffling her hair affectionately. She slapped his hand.

“But this isn’t spell-casting! And we all know you suck at that compared to me.” Amaya put her hands on her hips, “It’s official. I’m taller than you, Earth-boy.”

“Just because the Sky takes up more than the Earth, doesn’t mean that you’re automatically taller.”

Finally, Eri Memoire had to say it.


“What, Eri?”

The smaller girl pointed at the ginger’s feet.

“I think you need to remove your shoes first.”

Looking down at her obviously heeled boots, Amaya cussed.

After eliminating the cheats, Amaya’s five feet five was indeed shorter than Arthur Pandora’s five feet eight.

She could sense the blonde’s smirk for the rest of the day. 

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